New laboratory is Le 107.8,Hgb 127 Er 3600000 ... - CLL Support

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New laboratory is Le 107.8,Hgb 127 Er 3600000 Trombociti 166-ansocitosis Lymf.87 (ALC 93). Today I going hematologist.I must Chlorambucil?

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11 Replies

maybe Gaziva??Experimental in clinic? Lara help translate!Chris please say me what is for me..

Olga in panic

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11 Replies
lilica955 profile image

Hi Olga,

I should to recomand you a second option in Romania,to Oncologyc Hospital from Timisoara.I belive that Gaziva( Gazivaro for Europe )you can take only in a trial time,because in Serbia it is not yet alowed (in your medical system).

All the best for you.


Name-1 profile image
Name-1 in reply to lilica955

Thanks Lilica!

Have You mail adress of Hospital in Temisoara?

Name-1 profile image
Name-1 in reply to Name-1

Thanks Lilika!I wiil be contact with mail and ,maybe, going in Temisoara.

It is good idea

Best wishes


Lara_B profile image

Olga's new lab results are as follows:

WBC 107.8

Hgb 127

RBC 3.6

PLT 166

Lymph% 87

ALC 93

Olga is going to see hematologist today. She is asking if she has to start therapy and if so whether Chlorambucil or Gazyva in clinical trial would be the most appropriate for her.

Olga is in panic.

Olga is also asking for Chris' opinion.

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to Lara_B


Get a second opinion. I don't think you need treatment.

IF your ALC has doubled in the last 6 months, a specialist might want to start treatment, but I think they might wait a bit longer.

Your RBC is a bit low, but your Hgb is reasonable for someone with CLL, so I don't think your specialist would be concerned.

Your platelets are still in the normal range.

Absolutely no need to panic :)


Name-1 profile image
Name-1 in reply to AussieNeil

Thanks Neil.My respect for Your opinion!.I see and will be try second opinion.


Lara_B profile image


Vasa crvena krvna zrnca su ispod normale.

Mozda ne bi bilo lose da uradite Coombsov (DAT) test da provjerite da mozda autoimuna hemoliticka anemija nije uzrok.

Moje misljenje je da je Gazyva bolja opcija od Chlorambucila.

Ja da sam na vasem mjestu bih probala prvo sa Gazyva pa ako to ne ide onda Clorambucil.

Sve najbolje,


Name-1 profile image
Name-1 in reply to Lara_B

U Kabinetu za CLL me je primio klinicki lekar (nije spec.)Kaze da je ovo ocekivano pa da 5 februara uradim lab.u cemo se 9 og feb.dogovoriti o th.Nisam mogla da doprem do hematologa iako smo se videli.Pitala sam o Gazyvi,odgovorio je da ne veruje da je to lek za mene.Privatno sam uradila vit.D (u redu je89) i vit.B12 koji 1535 a ref.vrednosti su do 600 (?).Mislim da u K.C. ocekuju koplikacije zbog th kod mene i da nerado privataju odgovornost .Druge ustanove u Srbiji nisu ni snabdevene za nadokndu nekih mogucih komplikacija a ne dobijaju ni lekove za exp.ispitivanje.Nisam sigurna ni oko mogucnosti upucivanja.Sistem je takav.Coombsov test mogu da uradim privatno.Javljacu se ,ako nije problem.Ostacu u Beogradu.Ovde nemam racunar ali se nekako snalazim sa telefonom.

Pozdrav!Hvala na razumevanju i pomoci.


lilica955 profile image

Hi Olga,

Yes,I can give you all information :

Hematology clinique from Timisoara; e-mail

I belive that you can write or speak in serbian language.

Chef of clinique : Prof.dr Ioniță Hortensia; tel: +40 0748-884458

And I thinck that the Neil's opinion is absolutely corect -you no need tretment now.

All the best!


MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer

I agree with others that these numbers don't look like something to panic about unless there are other symptoms that are seriously affecting your life. Gaziva (Gazyva in the US) would be worth asking about for future reference. I had 6 months of Gazyva from Feb. to the end of June last year with good results and no side effects. Now is a good time to find out all of your possible options so that should you need treatment in the future you are familiar with what is available and have had time to research the choices. I hope you are able to get a second opinion in Romania.

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Name-1 in reply to MsLockYourPosts


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