Anyone taking traditional Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine will be interested to learn that "Heavy metals are added to Ayurvedic medicines as they are thought by Ayurvedic practitioners to contribute to the healing process."
"Australia, unlike the United States and several other countries, requires herbal and traditional medicines that are sold in Australia must ensure that levels of potentially toxic substances (such as heavy metals or toxic herbs or other material) are below the levels associated with harm."
Full article by Ian Musgrave, Senior lecturer in Pharmacology at University of Adelaide, Australia:
For those purchasing traditional and herbal medicines in Australia, "The medicine should carry prominently on the packaging and the label a number of the form AUST R 123456 (for registered medicines, one brand of paracetamol is AUST R 11122) or AUST L 123456 (for Listed medicines, most traditional and herbal medicines will be Listed). The numbers should usually be on the front of the packaging."
I've just checked the green tea capsules I take and found Aust L 133471 on the front of the bottle...
Photo: White Fumitory; some weeds can have very attractive flowers... Thanks to Jay for identifying the plant.