Does anybody know if Ibrutnib threatment "cures" the need for IVIG or will the patient still have a compromised immunesystem?
Does Ibrutnib remove the need for IVIG? - CLL Support
Does Ibrutnib remove the need for IVIG?

I can tell you what I have observed from personal expedience. I have been on Ibrutinib since the beginning of December. I get a SPEP blood test monthly that includes IgG, and was told that, when the level goes below 500, I should get an IVIG infusion. My IgG level has been above 500 for two months, but gradually declining despite the Ibrutinib. This week the level dropped below 500 so I am scheduled for IVIG next week. Still, that's better than before Ibrutinib was available, as previously I had been given IVIG every month for several years. On the positive side, the Ibrutinib has greatly reduced my lymph nodes everywhere in a very short time.

I think it is way too early to tell. We need lots of good data from Phase 3 trials, then more data from previously untreated patients.
CLL patients will always be immunocompromised to some extent, as B cells are killed levels of IgG, IgA, IgM drop. IgG can be supplement with IVIG etc, but the other two will always remain depleted to some extent. The only current treatment that appears to raise antibody levels to a small extent is lenalidomide aka Revlimid.
Ultimately, the jury is out ...