My question is how often should I have my blood tests? I have to say my surgery is very flexible and seem willing to arrange a blood test when I request it. My last test was in mid August and up to now I have had the tests approximately every four months.
Hi All I have been on Watch and Wait since b... - CLL Support
Hi All I have been on Watch and Wait since being diagnosed in 2006. For the past 18 months or so my counts have been fairly stable.
I'd be guided by your specialist on what frequency is appropriate. If your CLL is classified at an early stage and remains stable, then every four months is probably appropriate. I'm pleased for you that you have a surgery that is very flexible; that can be useful if you want to arrange an 'out of schedule' test because you are concerned that something has changed.
Yes as Neil mentions be guided by your specialist.
How often you are requested for blood testing by your consultant can be a good indicator of how settled your consultant thinks your disease course is; the longer between visits the more settled.
I find it is quite easy to add further points to the graph if I wish as a complete blood count is often included with other routine tests too. Remember that a blood count is only a small part of the picture and an indicator of what may be going on. As part of the routine your consultant may palpate (feel for) nodes and organs too to check on their level of involvement..
Thanks for your replies. My consultant requested tests every three to four months but I was interested in what others thorght.
Next test has been arranged just before Christmas.
As some other posts suggested, the CBC / blood tests are only a part of W&W or Active Monitoring. Being aware of other :B" symptoms and taking action quickly whenever a bacterial or viral infection appears is also important. Most good docs won't start treatment on blood tests only, they will look for symptoms that affect your quality of life.
I have been on W&W since 2005, my consultant has varied the times just like you, if I am ill in between tests, my GP usually instigates another blood test.
The average time between consultant visits is 3 to 4 months, but I have had it as much as 6 months, but I have been told that I can contact my consultant if I am worried health wise in between appointments.
' Stable ' CLL is good ..... if you happen to have CLL
I think the rule of absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) under 30K with slow progression then test every 6 months, over 30K with slow progression or plateau every 4 months, over 60K every 3 months.
This was my frequency for 14 years...
Post treatment, I'm back to every 4 months, although my absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) is within normal range...