Today you should have received a Private Message (PM) from Amedeo announcing HealthUnlocked's much improved Search. Amedeo has invited your feedback, which you can do by replying to his PM (or here if you'd like to share your experience more directly with our community).
In my brief experience with the new Search, I've found it much improved and occasionally very slow. If you are only looking for information from our community, I recommend you include CLL in your search text. Otherwise, if you search for problems common to other conditions, content from our site won't necessarily appear in the returns and our community may not appear in the HU community sites that appear under 'Search by'. (That said, you might find some gems if you deliberately omit CLL; I found someone who had done some research about the effectiveness of EGCG and Turmeric in treating cancers and had turned up some interesting research reports/papers I hadn't seen.)
Also, to help the new search return popular items, please flag any content you find interesting or helpful by clicking on Recommend to the bottom right of the post/question/reply.