Posts - Children's Liver Disease Foundation | HealthUnlocked

Children's Liver Disease Foundation

2,034 members710 posts

All posts for January 2013

any advice on QUESTRAN

glitterbug38 profile image

Breastfeeding an alagilles baby

My little man is 14 weeks and was diagnosed with alagilles 4 weeks, suspected in...
Ellec93 profile image

Hi My Son was diagnosed with Wilsons disease last year and his Neutrophil count is still low .6 Does anybody know if this is normal?

woowoo profile image
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Congenitail Hypatic Fibrosis, Varices, Portial Hypertention

Hello my self and my sister have had this condition for years and have grew up w...
Kemnay profile image

Meet-up with others without leaving your home! CLDF's new series of Skype calls.

Hi all I just want to let you know about a new opportunity for you to share s...
Hidden profile image

Hi my son was diagnosed with auto immune liver disease at 3 years old but kept it under control with tablets until he turned 17 we was put

On the transplant list but he's now 19 and at a critical stage 2 years on we are...
Dancing2 profile image

Hi my son was diagnosed with autu immune liver disease at 3 years old and kept it under control with tblets but 2 years ago at the age of

17 was put on the liver transplant list its now 2 years on and we are still wait...
Dancing2 profile image

Hi I am new to this''' I would like to talk to some people who are goin or been through same situation as I am goin through now.

My daughter was diagnosed with billiary atresia at 8 weeks had the Kasai at 9 we...
leather profile image

Slough bowling - thank you for joining us!

Thanks to everyone who joined us for bowling in Slough last Saturday 912 January...

Can and should primary schools administer medication that my child needs during the school day for a long term medical condition?

Our daughter is due to start school in September and when visiting the school we...
katiej profile image

My daughter had Kasai procedure some 12 years ago aged 9 months after being diagnosed with colechdocal cyct.

She has been extremely well since but has been "under the weather" for past 3 mo...
skinna profile image

Hello to mammies and daddies!!

I have 2 boys.. Lewis aged 4 and lil junior 10weeks who has now been told he has...
natalie24xxxx profile image

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