my 7 months post kasai sons reading were fine all these days. But our recent visit made us worried, his ALT ALP elevated way too much. (ALT 1416) (ALP-1127). it was 100+ last December. But his bilirubin level was low 11 . At first the doctor did not reveal the Number to us. she just made sure my son is ok, active, no sign of fever of whatsoever. and then she told us that shes not sure why only ALT and ALP hiked these much. she preferred another blood work up right away. but after discussing with some other senior doctors, she concluded that recent vaccination might have triggered this hike. we were sent back home after normal medications. yet me and my wife still having lots f thoughts in our mind and could not concentrate on anything. i tried to do some readings on this, but none said anything on this reading. can anyone share their similar experience on this plz.
worried dad.