Hi guys - anyone have any info on taking kayolic garlic tablets to help lower cholesterol
I have also heard that beetroot tablets can lower high bp
Any info guys -- thank you
Hi guys - anyone have any info on taking kayolic garlic tablets to help lower cholesterol
I have also heard that beetroot tablets can lower high bp
Any info guys -- thank you
I started with kyolic about twenty-five years ago and, for me, I have proved they work. Each time I take them, my total cholesterol level comes down. Each time I stop, it rises again.
I am female with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia and, as I have got older I have had to increase my dosage periodically to maintain the effect.
A member of this forum recently recommended soya lecathin tablets and I just started a three month trial of these. I will report back at the end of that time (one way or the other) on the results.
Thank you so much for your response yvonneD- I'm sorry for the delay in responding
I'm desperate to get off the toxic. Meds of statins etc- after the clots I had they put me on eroxovan a new anticoagulant as I was Allergic to warfarin which was unusual
I'm seem to have problems with a lot of side effects with meds no matter what they are- I'm 65 and want to retain a reasonable quality of life - so I'm trying to find alternatives in natural products
I'm off the anticoagulant now as it was only for 6 months - that only came about as I had a very bad lung infection and was off my feet for a couple of weeks. I kept. Complaining of leg pain and the hospital did a scan- how ever the sonnographer didn't collate her report properly and the doctor therefore miss read the report thinking there wasn't. Clot - this went undetected for 9 weeks as they thought I had been left with asthma after the lung infection
I have lost my trust now and after being give medication that upsets me and miss diagnoses I would like to try to find natural products - apologies for the long reply I'm just giving you the full picture
Do you take a statin alongside the kayolic garlic ?? - thanks again for your reply I'm truley stressed with it all which doesn't help my BP either- they have sent me to a stress and anxiety --- as I refused antidepressant as they only give you a chemical holiday - it doesn't fix anything long term
What a lot of advice you are getting from the forum Patsy. Hope you find what works for you. Malcolm P says what all the medics have told me - there is no evidence that Kyolic works. I just know it does for me.
Yes, since the menopause, I also take a statin - with no adverse effects.
I make my own organic meusli which I take with low sugar pomegranate juice, soya yoghurt and a selection of berries.
I do believe that garlic helps to regulate blood pressure and thin the blood amongst a lot of other health benefits,but have found no evidence that it actually reduces cholesterol.However beetroot juice has research behind it that links it to increasing the bodies production of nitric oxide.Which the body naturally produces to stop blood platelets becoming sticky and improves the elasticity of the arteries.The only problem that i see with beetroot juice is that the production of nitric oxide only occurs for a very short period of time.So you would have to drink a lot of beetroot juice at regular intervals to get any real benefits.To get the full benefit of nitric oxide you need a formula that has l-arginine and l-citriline combined with vitamins d3,c,b6 and b12.
The problem with pills is that that body has to break down the pill and a lot of the beneficial elements are lost in that process.The quickest way to get something into the bloodstream is through a liquid.
Hope this helps Patsyblue.
Thank you so much MalcolmP - as you can read my story above to YvonneD -I'm struggling to find information on natural products and any information or experiences are so helpful
I began drinking pure pomegranate juice as I heard that is helpful for reducing cholesterol - I take about 10 ml a day along with eating oats for breakfast with dried fruit and nuts which I make myself
I will probably have to re think the beetroot juice after reading you info
Thank you so much sometimes I feel so isolated and stressed with it all I do appreciate you taking you your time responding
Perhaps check the amount of sugar in pomegranate juice, it might be something to have occasionally rather than every day. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomeg...
Possibly other anti oxidants may help.
One suggestion for lowering cholesterol is to reduce the amount of processed food you eat, especially carbohydrates.
Hi guys - I've had to go back to the GP my stiffness and knee/ leg pain is just too much
To tolerate now
The GP wants me to take provastatin sodium - but reading all the potential side effects are horrendous - in animal testing it has bought on lukemia and tumours but as of yet none in humans - it's all too scary
Does none know about this statin or is there any advice out there on trying acupuncture or Chinese herbs - any suggestions or info would be appreciated
Thank you in advance for any tips