These two factors cholestral and diabetic are really risj and you will find cardiac cases coronary artery dieases are increased in our population hence diethabbit shouldbe changed in each individuals even inborderline hypercholestremia say above 180mg cholestral start statin and my view for alldiabetic patient can even take minimum 50 to 70 mg asprin to prevent heart dieases you may ask regular asprin may cause gibleed that is one out of hundread or even thousand whichcanbe manged with small medicines like pentaperazole/rabiperazole hence my observations and conclusion increased cholestral will damage our heart sarojini madurai
CHOLESTRAL &DIABETIS: These two factors... - Cholesterol Support

Sarojini, could you please punctuate your posts., otherwise very difficult to read.

Agree if your trying to put a view across at least make it legible
Cholesterol and diabetic, very interesting subject. If one is allergic to aspirin, what else is available? NHS food plate, I am unable to measure in grams of daily food intake. Pre packed food give measurements. Home cooked food; I do not know how to measure this.
Can you please clarify this (each individuals even in borderline hypercholestremia say above 180mg cholesterol start statin and my view for all diabetic patient can even take minimum 50 to 70 mg aspirin to prevent heart diseases you may ask regular aspirin may cause gibleed that is one out of hundred or even thousand ).
I believe he says that diabetics with total cholesterol levels over 5.0 mmol/L should be on statins and low dose aspirin. There is a small risk of bleeding from aspirin.
Personally, I think diabetics should keep their total cholesterol levels under 4mmol/L
i'm allergic to aspirin, so i take plavix. works for me. been on it for 8 years.
You cant 'carpet bomb' everyone who ticks a box with the same prescription.....people are not like machines,its the human body!. The problem i find is that its too easy to just look at a patient and say- ' you have high cholesterol, so i recommend you take 5mg of statins and that you change your diet,exercise more and loose some weight'
This is the exact same care-free attitude that was used to hand out antibiotics out like sweets for anyone.
This is the exact same care-free attitude that was used to hand out antibiotics out like sweets for anyone. 100% in agreement with you on this.
For the last two years I tried very hard not to take any medication for both cholesterol and diabetic, every visit to the GP I was offered medication, and "that you change your diet, exercise more and lose some weight". Well went to the gym changed life style, gave up a lot of food and drinks I like, was alcohol free for three months. Managed to control blood test level for diabetic not cholesterol! I am on medication for cholesterol now, can sse the side effect.
Are there any other tests available to check the condition of our boody blood system bolld flow?
Regarding asprin&statin minimum dose intake for diabetic patients apartfrom diet and exercises will give better care for your heart it doesnot means that every patient can take asprin statin&diabeticmedicines patient benifits shouldbe considered by individual basis by doctor before prescribing inshort patient hight,wight,BMIindex patient sedentary or doing walking /jogging/doing exercises all shouldbe considered before giving prescriptions SAROJINI
I CANSAY THE MINIMUM TESTS NOT MAXIMUM TESTS DIABETICTESTS HbA1c,fastingbloodsugar,postprandialbloodsugar urinesugar albumin,microalbumin.protien
What do you think of this?
Could Roquefort be GOOD for the heart? Blue cheese has 'anti-inflammatory properties' that guard against cardiovascular disease
Biotechnologists say Roquefort may be a 'miracle food' behind French diners' famous good health
Wow, is that right. I love Roquefort but I fear the fat content may outweigh the "anti-inflammatory properties"!

That depends on whether you believe in the no fat,low fat hypothesis.
Please take a look at this:
These two factors cholesterol and diabetic are really risk and you will find cardiac cases coronary artery diseases are increased in our population hence diet habit should be changed in each individuals even in border line hyper Cholesterolemia say above 180mg cholesterol start statin and my view for all diabetic patient can even take minimum 50 to 70 mg aspirin to prevent heart diseases you may ask regular aspirin may cause to bleed that is one out of hundred or even thousand which can be managed with small medicines like pantoprazole/ Rabeprazole hence my observations and conclusion increased cholesterol will damage our heart sarojini madurai
Is this what you are trying to say or ask? Are you under NHS?
Hi just a point on ASPIRIN,
these are more commonly known as Sugar coated pills,
I have the serious problem of finding most pills affect my stomach badly.
I begin every day by taking ESOMPRAZOLE PILLS,
these line the stomach and everything on the way down)
.(no food or drink ) for an hour
.then later on amongst my pills I take an Enteric coated Aspirin pill after food.
these I have taken for about 20 years after a Stroke,
I have stopped taking Simvastatin and similar pills in the past 6 months,
I am now feeling more human,no foggy memory etc.
but,I am still in agony in my joints after taking those pills for years.
the strong painkiller (Naprosyn)I was taking has had to be stopped,because,...
I now have HEART FAILURE due to taking the painkillers......
sticky valves which means I am likely to need Open
Heart Surgery.
I can't win can I /...
That's the problem with a lot of medications.They treat the symptoms not the cause.Your body is an amazing mechanism,but it can only work at its best when it is given the fuel to perform at it's peak.
In a society where everything is based on speed of delivery is it any wonder that we can eat more and more and yet nutritionally our bodies are in a constant state of starvation.
My sympathy for your situation and hope your outcome becomes more positive.
I agree with you on this.Too many people think the solution to all there problems is going to come from the pharmaceutical industry when most of the time the solution is staring you in the face.For years people have been bought up on the no fat,low fat diets that have bought us to where we are now.With more people in the western world dieing of heart disease,cancer and the complications associated with diabetes than any time in recorded history.
Maybe Atkins wasn't as far away from the truth as a lot of people thought.
If you don't eat carbohydrates what are you supposed to eat? Proteins? Unless you spend a lot of money proteins are associated with (usually saturated) fat, which is bad for FH sufferers. As I understand it poor weight control, i.e. eating too much, rather than the wrong things is a major cause of diabetes.
This is a site for FH sufferers - Familial Hypercholesterolaemia - inherited high blood cholesterol. To some extent this can be controlled with a low fat diet - reduced dairy products, reduced red meat (or substitute expensive ultra lean meat). To maintain a sufficient calorie intake you have to substitute (preferably complex) carbohydrates. This puts FH sufferers with diabetes in a very difficult position, but I am not an expert on this. Of course FH sufferers can take statins which for most people do not have side effects and reduce blood cholesterol greatly.
Hi I have type 2 diabetes and an under active thyroid , so I'm on quite a lot of medication for these problems . My GP keeps upping the strength of my medics and I'm so frightened of taking the increased doses , due to a very serious reaction many years ago .I do try to eat healthy meals so as to keep my blood sugar readings down , but just can't lose weight . I do have a form of Spina-Bifida that causes me to live in constant pain , which means I can't do much exercise . Life can be cruel but we just get on with it...don't we .
hi ,
I suppose that i'm unique having been on statins for over 35 years when it was in the 30's now down to 4.9 i have insulin controlled type 2 diabetes i take tabs for high blood pressure which is normal at moment iv been taking asperin for 20 years im on a low fat ,sugar,salt carb diet i exercise and try to keep fit however all this did not stop me from having a massive heart attack ten weeks ago which im slowly recovering from IM A SURVIVOR Happy days
Any for update? cholesterol and diabetic condition, what has happened in the last 8 months. What is the balancing act to control both cholesterol and diabetic condition?
I am allergic to aspirin, had a stress test and going to see a specialist!, any hep with questions to ask?
Earlier comment.
((I CANSAY THE MINIMUM TESTS NOT MAXIMUM TESTS DIABETICTESTS HbA1c,fastingbloodsugar,postprandialbloodsugar urine sugar albumin, micro albumin. protein))
Now days the GP practice do not take fasting blood for testing, blood can be taken any time of the day!