Hi everyone, stent put in 12 months ago. I'm on Ticagrelor, Ramipril and Asprin along with Omeprazole and MST tablets. I have started to bruise real easily, real nasty bruising on arms and legs,does anyone know why, thanks in advance
Bruising: Hi everyone, stent put in 1... - Cholesterol Support

The tablets are partly to keep your blood thin so it flows easier , I had three stents last year and had tablets for the same . One slight knock and I would have a horrendous bruise . Had to stay on the blood thinners for 12 months as I had drug eluding stents , stopped taking them in the end as I got fed up looking like I had been in an accident . Talk to your doctor about your medication.
Hi Gizmo14, since my heart attack in 2014 and having 2 stents fitted, 1 at the time and one 5 months later I have been taking aspirin and prasugrel, both as blood thinners. Always covered in big black bruises even on soles of feet and stomach.realised stomach ones were caused by the way I carry my washing basket! Just leaning on something caused them too.stopped prasugrel 3 weeks ago and have no new ones since. Personally I put up with it as therewas good reason to take them
I would go to your doctor and talk about it. Personally I don't bruise unless I bang something but if I ever thought I had a problem I would be making an appointment. Let us know what they say.
I think this occurs with most blood thinning agents. My husband is on Warfarin and bruises very easily.
Hi i,am pratically on the same tablets as your goodself have been for the last month . Cant say that i have notice any bruising still early days yet. But what i have done is stopped the omeprazole and just take a yakult a day . Really helps to the point when it comes not to having acid indigestion and taking to many tablets.
Hi Daveyboy thanks for your reply. In the early period just after the heart attack every was okay,it's been the last 4 months or so with the bruising so I was just wondering now that the tablets are working to keep my blood thin whether it is that. I will ask to speak with a doctor in the morning to clear things up. It's the bruising it looks really bad as though I've been self harming or something, people look and just think what's he been doing to his self
Speak to your doctor, but I think you will find this is a side effect of Ticagrelor. I had a lot of bruising during the 12 months I was prescribed Ticagrelor but I was happy to continue given their beneficial effects after having stents. They can cause some internal bleeding. However, emergency medics give Ticagrelor as an essential treatment when someone presents at a hospital with a suspected heart attack. In this case they are life savers.
Hi Daveyboy77. Omeprazole is often given to patients taking aspirin. They protect the lining of the stomach from damage caused by aspirin. All forms of aspirin can potentially damage the stomach lining. The damage isn't always obvious to the patient as many do not have indigestion symptoms but still have lining damage. This is often found when a patient has an gastroendoscopy.
This site will tell you more; but don't panic, consult your doctor.
By the way, I am an ex-smoker and at the hospital (two stents fitted) I was given Ramipril. One of the side effects was a ticklish cough. I had cough bouts so aggressive theat my navel ruptured.
Your capillaries have burst due to a strong blood thinner that is weakening the walls of your arteries. As well as heavy nose bleeds you could be heading for a burst arterie in your heart or your brain - an aneurysma.
I have the same problem I wake black and blue I carry brusies most days it was investigated by my cardiologist who told me its aspirin and part and parcel of taking them daily over a year down and if I brush up on something lightly I will end up black and blue I have found now it's very common