Has anyone experienced insomnia while ... - Cholesterol Support

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Has anyone experienced insomnia while taking astorvastatin if so what did you do I am on 40mg and only getting about 5 hrs sleep a night.

16 Replies

I also feel fatigued when I return home from work

16 Replies
Aliwally profile image

Is it getting to sleep that's the problem or is it disturbed sleep from vivid dreams/nightmares? I had the latter with simvastatin. Has anyone suggested lowering the dose as 40mg is quite high (obviously, I don't know anything about your medical condition).


No I have no problem getting to sleep but the sleep is disturbed due normally to powerful dreams that wake me.I lowered the dose a couple of months ago from 80mg and my cholestorol leve is 3.7 it was 3.5 before I reduced the dose,I have made an appointment to see the Dr with a view to coming off of them.

Aliwally profile image

I'm not a doctor, but 3.7 is still very low, so maybe you have lee way to reduce more or try a different statin.

My dreams were very intense and disturbing and involved a lot of blood!

Stillticking profile image

I had awful trouble with all statins, if it wasn't nightmares it was generally feeling like death warmed up. My GP came to the conclusion that I simply can not tolerate them. I am now on fenofibrates, it is too early to say how effective they are at lowering cholesterol but at least I am enjoying life now. My cholesterol level without statins was 6.2 which is far too high (I have FH) so I have altered my diet again and am doing a very intense exercise programme. Only time will tell I guess.

Richbod profile image

I've had 5different statins and had poor sleep patterns with them all, waking regularly and not getting back to sleep. Presently on no cholesterol busting drugs (for last 5 weeks)and last 6 nights have slept like a log!


sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to Richbod

Hi,Presently on no cholesterol busting drugs (for last 5 weeks), my understanding is that once you start statin it is for life, you cannot stop!!. Please tell me, you can stop!

I did not want to take mediaction therefore I changed my life style, reduced weight and so on. Still the GP wants me to go on Statin as the numbers are hgih. Are your cholesterol numbers OK level?, do you have any problems since you stopped taking statin?

Richbod profile image
Richbod in reply to sandybrown

You can stop taking statins.if you are experiencing side effects you would be advised to talk to your GP. He can then change your statin and see what happens. If they continue he can try you on a fibrates or ezetimibe.some statin side effects are dangerous, and some are permanent. My cholesterol is high and as far as I was concerned the side effects were worse than the result of coming off them. I am in limbo now until I see the specialist again next month. It is purely a personal decision, everyone reacts differently. (Some lucky ones have NO problems at all !) Good luck.


sandybrown profile image

Hi, I started onAtorvastatin 20 mg on 140313 before going to bed. Keeping a record of all reactions. I am due for liver function blood test in 6 weeks time and cholesterol test in 3 months time. Is is early days for me to comment.

Aliwally profile image

Hi Bala,

I have have had bad reactions to all statins and I also have a family history of muscle disorder. I now take a low dose of cholestogel, which is a very old drug which absorbs bile from the intestines pulling cholesterol out of the body.

My unmedicated level is 8.3, but I have no other risk factors and work hard to keep my weight and glucose levels under strict control. I also see a GP in my practice who could be labelled "statin sceptic" for primary prevention and he is extremely supportive of my decision.

I am beginning to think that there are other ways of reducing your risk (if you don't have FH) than being prescribed higher and higher doses of statins.

rogbert profile image

you dont say how old your are paul as you get older you need less sleep im 68 and have been on avorvastatin and fenofrebrate for over 30 years as i have a family history of heart problems both parents had bypasses i started with readings of over 30 and for trigs over 15 im now down to 4 and 3 although i suffer from all the side effects its better than having a heart attack or dieing you should never reduce your dose without a doctors advice

Aliwally profile image

There is a difference though between needing less sleep and having it disturbed by nightmares!

DakCB-UK profile image

Paul - I suffer sleep disruption (sometimes insomnia) when I start or restart taking statins, but it subsides, usually within a few days. I'm also currently trying Q10 (hmm, I should blog that) which has helped with some things but I wasn't feeling particularly fatigued before. Well, just the usual winter-related sleepiness.

Bala - I've started, stopped, restarted, switched and all sorts. Click my name - I think my profile describes it. The underlying motive for taking statins won't go away, but I've not heard of any problems with stopping them.

Thanks everyone,most helpful

Silversurfer4739 profile image

YES.YES.YES.I got no sleep,I lasted about a week on them............

DrDoolittle profile image

I had a heart attack eight years ago. Non-smoker, low lood pressure, cholestoral level was about 5, now 3.5 approx.Was on Simvastatin but agreed to go on a clinical trial and changed to Atoravastin.

Don't know if was a coincidence but now suffer from insomnia and my wife complains of my restlessness when I am aseep.

Stopped Atravastin for two or three weeks but little or no difference.

I would like to stop taking all pills. I am 71 in good heah, reasonably active, a bit overweight, positive outlook on llfe.

Any one in similar situation?

Do_or_Die profile image


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