Do any of you have FH and NOT take sta... - Cholesterol Support
Do any of you have FH and NOT take statins? What do you take, if anything, instead?

I am female with inherited FH and - until the menopause - only took Kyolic (natural, ag-dried garlic tablets) from my local health food shop (in addition to a healthy diet). I did this for nearly twenty years, despite all the experts telling me it could not work. Every time I took them, my cholesterol level came down and every time I stopped, it went up. As I got older, I had to gradually increase the dose but no side effects so it was worth it. Although I now have to take statins, I am on a low dose and I am still taking kyolic in addition. Hope this may help you too.
Plant sterol 750mg, CoQ10 100-200mg, Porridge and flax seed. This without statins bring bring my levels from 9.5 to 7.1.
I take 4x 750mg Plant Sterols the 200mg CoQ10 Oat drink and Omega 3 1000mg x4 to maintain around 6,4 - 6,1 Have to do this as Statins all produced crippling side effects within days of taking them once I had been subjected to a high dose. They were OK to begin with. Now not able to re start with any of them. I AM over sensitive to other drugs. Good luck in finding complementary medicines to suit.
steroids and sterols different products....hit link to find out about sterols.....hope this helps.
Have "possible" FH as have been tested but they couldnt find the gene. At last test cholesterol down from 8.9 to 7.5 with flax, oats,nuts, - roughly following the portfolio diet. Couldnt tolerate atorvastatin and unwilling to try rosuvastatin
Just a small note that I got a 25ish% reduction from diet alone but I didn't feel it was enough so I now take statins.
Great results DakCB-UK interesting that you didn't find it enough. How are you finding statins?
You can try bergamot supplements. But there are no guarantees that "natural" products don't have the same drawbacks as pharmaceutical grade statins.
For cholesterol reduction, the best thing is to eat as little as possible. The easiest way to cut cholesterol by half is to eat half as much of everything.
Hi Seahorse and everyone
Can i please refer you to my post under the cholesterol lowering drinks thread to save me repeating my comments on this subject?
Thank you