ok so my systolic preassure is 203 and my diastolic is 114 , i'm 19 years old, just turned, i smoke and drink but not out of hand, also high blood preassure is inherited in my family, what course of action should i take?
Do i have high blood preassure and wha... - Cholesterol Support
Do i have high blood preassure and what should i do?!

Yes with those readings you have high blood pressure. Did you take it yourself at home? Get it checked at your GP's.
It's high...once you've got 2 or 3 readings, GO SEE YOUR GP.
IMMEDIATELY, IF NOT SOONER. You have a BIG problem!!
I know it is easy to say, but stop smoking and drinking less will help
I'm a bit older than you and mine is considered high at something like 150/80 - so yours is definitely high. End the smokes, cut the drink, see doctors. Good luck!
Yes this is very high and you should see your doctor immediately. If this was taken at a doctors they are failing in their duty of care to you. With this plus yor drinking and smoking you are literally signing your own dear warrant.
Oh Jack, Jack, Jack, I think you know the answers really don't you!!!! Cut out the smoking, NUMBER 1 !!!!! Get to the GPs ASAP and get them to do a PROPER reading. The home kits are OK in themselves but not accurate. Make sure that you don't run there, or rush about. You need to have sat down for 10 minutes or so for your BP to even out. So get to the GPs earlier than your appointment so that you can sit in the waiting room and relax. Get the Dr to help you with quitting smoking and get advice with lowering your alcohol consumption. A bit of a drink now and then is actually good for the BP but its the amount per day/per week that has to be watched. What about exercise? Do you walk daily, or are you like most teenagers, car, bus or train - ? If there is a history of high BP in the family you are in a good position. Your age will be your advantage. At 19 you have your whole life ahead of you and once you get yourself sorted with the Dr you are well on your way to living a long a healthy life. (Oh, and save the money you would normally spend on cigarettes - a friend of mine did that and after a year had enough for a holiday in Spain!!!)
Hi Jack
First of all, we'll done for checking your blood pressure. You're clearly aware of the implications and yes your reading does seem very high. I have high Blood Pressure which has been treated with tablets for the last ten years. I was a bit lazy about taking them when I was younger and didn't take it too seriously as I'm pretty fit, don't smoke, I'm not overweight, etc etc.
But I recently had an angiogram and had a narrowing in two arteries diagnosed. Now I wish I'd been better about taking the tablets and seeking treatment.
I'd advise you to take this seriously and go see your GP straight away. There is a vast range of tablets you can take to lower your BP. Also get him to check your cholesterol levels. Take his advice and you'll live a long and healthy life.
Please post back here and let us know how you get on.
yes high blood preassure runs in the family, but i wake up dizzy a lot and i never used to and also my hear sometimes has an unusual flurry and i really panic, scares me to be honest, i will keep you guys updated, but i called the doctors for an appointment and they said the earliest appointment was in 2 weeks! what should i do, ring and ask for a sooner date?
If you tell your doctor that you are concerned about your blood pressure I'm certain they will see you more urgently. Tell them what your BP is. If they still wont see you, a lot of hospitals have a walk in centre. I'd suggest you find your nearest and tell them about your symptoms.
I really wouldn't leave it any longer if I were you.