Will statins reduce any artery cloggin... - Cholesterol Support
Will statins reduce any artery clogging as well as reduce cholesterol and why can I not come off them when my cholesterol reduces?

Not sure about the first half of your question, I think the jury is out on that one.
Statins act "artificially" if you like by stopping the body producing so much cholesterol, so when you stop taking them the body starts to manufacture it again.
Making cholesterol is a hugely complicated chemical process and statins block one stage in the cycle.
I do not think and haven't heard of statins reducing clogging. Doctors say they prevent from getting arteries more clogged. If anyone invents a drug cleaning arteries this will be a Nobel prize winning achievement. I wonder if any drug company is working on the problem.
If such drug is found, it should reduce clogging very slowly, because a lump of thorn off plaque can clog the arteries again. One doctor told me that perhaps Crestor has this effect.
You need to know why you had cholesterol problems in the first place, otherwise the problem will simply return when you stop taking the statins. Check that you have good fats like Omega 3 in your food and no hydrogenated vegetable oil or trans fat.
High cholesterol?
How dos your body tells you that there is high cholesterol?
I found out there was high BG and high cholesterol because I asked GP for blood test as I was over 60!, when I want for my eye operation, the first time to a hospital!, Because of the questions that Ihad to answer in the form, it made me ask the GP for blood test.
Cooking oil, could you please let me know the best oil to use for cooking and the properties of the oil under temperature.
Thanks, Bala
Hi Bala
If you look under your question on oxidised cholesterol you will see a link to second-opinions on cooking oil.
I am over 60, with lower than average BP and cholesterol levels, I use saturated fats but eat few carbohydrates. I don't know if this is just luck on my part, but several other people seem to find this a good way to eat.
Hi bala
re cooking oil, olive oil or rapeseed oil is the best to use and a Mediterranean diet is supposed to be the best to follow. I was on a low-fat diet and so my good fat was outweighed by any bad fat that I did eat. Consequently I INCREASED my intake of rapeseed oil and so far it seems to have worked. I have eaten an oat-based breakfast most days since I was told that my cholesterol was 6.8, and now it's down to 4.8. The Dr wanted me to go on statins but I refused, and one even admitted that once you are on them, the Dr's do tend to let you stay on them. Best to do your research as I did and change your diet if you can. Just a few simple tweaks could make all the difference.
I can only answer with my findings.
I was taking Simvastatin for years,
pain in my already painful Arthritic joints was getting unbearable.
I was put on Naproxen,for the pain relief, it was very good for about 3 years,
then a friend told me that my extra joint pains were caused by Simvastatin.....
so,I went to Gp and said I want to stop statins as I definitely did not need more pain from any pills,
I was checked for muscle strength,it was fine,
but,6 months down the line?
my legs can barely walk...the pain is so intense,
since I had a blood test and a Heart scan showed that I now have Heart Failure with Aortic stenosis....caused by the painkillers...
so,in my case?I take a pill,and it caused pain.
take a painkiller?get a bad Heaqrt out of it.....
I have NOT taken either pill since I found out the truth,
I await open heart surgery,
already 6m months have gone by and no one has contacted me about that!
my assumption now?
I wish I had been told the facts,,,,,,I would never have used either pill!
I am still alive though without either pill....but,loads of pain....
hi ,
have you tried window slot eating this is eating normally for 8 hours i eat between 11am and 7pm in 2 months my cholesterol was 7.9 now 6.2 ,all i have is opti omega 3 .
I have been on 3 different statins and my arm muscles are terrible i am only 48 height 5 foot 1 weight 8 stone and very active eat quite healthy but was diagnosed in 2011 with high cholesterol 12.1 type 3 hyperlipidemia the genetic form ,since 2011 i have had one thing after another
i hope we can help each other i'm going to see a different specialist next week
so sorry for all your pain...go to drmcdougall.com and see if you can find some help for your pain, a friend of mine eliminated her severe arthritic pain by changing her diet according to his plan...his plan is outlined on his site free.
Yes, it is well established that statins reduce artery clogging and help prevent more clogging.
Statins work on a day to day basis, lowering your cholesterol levels. If your life-style, weight & health has not changed, your lower cholesterol reading can be attributed to the effect of the statin you take. Stop taking the statin and your cholesterol level will shoot right back to where it was before.
If you are able to change your diet, exercise regularly and get your weight down, you may be able to reduce your cholesterol level to the extent that you won't need to take any statins. Typically, if you are fit with no risk of CVD, and your cholesterol level is well below 5, you can speak to your GP about reducing your dose. I imagine your GP would automatically consider that anyway.
I am trying not to have to rubbish the video.
Try a BMJ meta-analysis involving 70,000 people which found a 12% reduction
The ASTEROID trial was a secondary prevention trial, all the participants had some sort of coronary artery disease, people with diabetes were excluded.
You are right. It isn't a take it or die choice - rather a better odds choice.
All trials have to specify a very narrow approach in order to ensure that they are not misled by other causes. However, there are numerous trials going on all the time, leading to a multitude of meta-analyses.
Diabetes has a significant effect on cardiovascular events, so that's why such patients have not been included in this particular meta-analysis.
Here's one that only covers people with diabetes
I take your point about the narrow approach.
This is an interesting take on ASTEROID (from 2006, so a bit out of date).
Above link didn't work, Try again or just search ASTEROID drug trial.
I'm new to this forum..One of the reasons I have joined this forum is because 'concerned ' is absolutely correct....and obviously knows what he is talking about....(many other forums are full of tittle-tattle.) Tell me if I am writing too much..
Reducing glucose levels and the abrasion caused by sugars is key. ..(esp preventative) People are not told this...Its a scandal that this is not a FOCUS.....So far it has all been about cholesterol and fats...As has been said: 'Cholesterol is always seen at the the crime' and hence is blamed....Inflammation of the arteries is the natural response to attack and that's why cholesterol is there....sugars are the abrasion to trigger the body's response. In fact Cholesterol is also needed to for cells to do their natural processing things...limiting cholesterol could be a negative health factor...
A the moment I am on Crestor 20mg !!! I told the doc I want off as I have heard it damages the liver/pancreas...He agreed it might and that we will have to monitor it !! Yet he still says I should take this statin for life!!!! He says there are new statins that also attack the furring..well I haven't seen them....I am now taking Serrapetase to try to help liquify the furring gradually. Must be taken on empty stomach between meals and may take 6 months+ to see the diff.....By the way I imagine this blog, as well as others, is being watched by people within the 'health industry' as well as those in the 'alternative health industry'...For the record I am none of those....I am a heart attack victim who was very fit before my attack in Feb 2014,and was shocked by it and want to warn/help all others who may be in the same position as me...or about to have a heart attack!!
I am confused!. If you are a victim of heart attack, please give your story so people can learn from it, to avoid a heart attack! and also your cholesterol numbers and how many stent you had. Statin as a secondary medication (after heart attack) is important, not as primary medication. Thanks.
Our ancestors had a much shorter lifespan.