On Friday i was in the local market with my wife when a N.H.S nurse approached us and asked if we would like a blood test. My wife was first to do the test, she is a healthy eater, no smoker and does regular exercise,she has a 2% chance of having a heart attack. Now it was my turn, I eat the same as my wife but do love bread with lots of butter, I smoke, don't exercise, work nights and the amount of sleep I get is broken up into 2hr segment, that my excuse for not exercising. The results were in ,the nurse told me to get to the doctors as I have a cholesterol level of 13 and a 38% chance of having a heart attack. So this morning I went to get a fasting blood test done, should get the results on Thursday. This is a wake up call !!!!
Shocked !!!!: On Friday i was in the... - Cholesterol Support
Shocked !!!!
It is a shock when you get a result as high as that but the positive spin on it is you now know and can start taking steps to do something about it and prevent future health issues.Well done for agreeing to the test as it's sometimes easier to stick your head in the sand and presume you will be fine. You have a lot of hard work ahead but I am sure you will rise to the challenge. Cut out the smoking first - deadly!! Best of luck. Let us know how you get on - we are a nosey lot on here.
Thanks Seahorse, true !!! Ive had my head in the sand too long.
Mako, I waa diagnosed with Type 3 Hyperlipidaemia with a figure of 13 back in 1992. With the help of fibrates, diet, exercise (and stoppIng smoking), my cholesterol is now 3.2 and I have lost 2 stone in weight. Just do as your doctor advises, but the first thing he'll say is "give up the fags". I was smoking 40 a day, and gave them up is 1985, it was hard but worth it. Good luck and let us know how things go.
If you have inherited high cholesterol, those % figures are inaccurate, as I understand it. Still worth doing something about a level of 13, though. Good luck!
Hi all.....just got back from the Doctors. My Cholesterol level is 5.3 !!!!!!!!.and everything is in good working order,that's a bit of a relief. I'm still determined to lose weight,give up smoking and get my Cholesterol level down. I've cut out bread and butter and started to exercise and lost 8lb in a week. Now its time to stop the cigs !!!!