I'd be very happy to learn about...
the additional worth of lumbal punction to a muscle biopsy.
I'm suffering still from: muscle weakness, strong cognitive deterioration, gastro intestinal problems... to mention the worst.
Soon a muscle biopsy will be done b/c my ck level was just fine and blood nor urine revealed the story of statin intoxication hidden in my body. Hopefully the muscle biopsy will show something. Given the fact I had to stop taking a high dosis of Q10 (500mg daily) now for two weeks to not screw up the outcome of the test and my muscles as well as my energylevel in general deteriorated immediately and strongly, I guess it should be shown in the biopsy.
Given my cognitive problems which suddenly started past year out of the blue after about 2 years of statin use, the neurologist might decide to also carry out a lumbal punction. Prior to the consult I'd like to understand what might support a lumbal punction or why might a doctor decide to not carry out a lumbal punction (there are no medical reasons (having read the info on lumbal punction) to not do a lumbal punction. What might be the benefit, what might be learned by it eventually?
My aim is to learn as much as possible about what happened to me in order to hopefully find a way to recover at least further partially from all harm done by the mentioned drug combination I was given for about two years.
Many thanks beforehand for answering my question.
best wishes, sandrien