Could anyone comment on husbands results please. Age 75 quite a reasonable fitness level.
Cholesterol 5.9
HDL 1.42
Triglycerides 0.9
Chol ratio 4.2
LDL 4.1
Non HDL 4.5
BMI 25.9
Not on any other meds.
Dr is recommending Statins.
Thank You
Could anyone comment on husbands results please. Age 75 quite a reasonable fitness level.
Cholesterol 5.9
HDL 1.42
Triglycerides 0.9
Chol ratio 4.2
LDL 4.1
Non HDL 4.5
BMI 25.9
Not on any other meds.
Dr is recommending Statins.
Thank You
I have come to the conclusion that statins are a bit like Marmite - you are either in the ‘statin camp’ or- or you’re not.
I am 76 and tried them many years ago and had dreadful muscle pain, felt depressed and decided they just weren’t for me.
Why has the doctor suggested your husband take statins? His total cholesterol is higher than doctors (and the pharmaceutical companies who make statins) recommend but over the years the limit at which they are prescribed has come down.
Your husband’s triglycerides levels look good too.
Your brain however does need cholesterol.
Have a look on the BHF website
I can also recommend reading The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr Malcolm Kendrick and A Statin Free Life by Dr Aseem Malhotra who is a heart specialist.
After that it’s up to your husband what he decides to do.
I'm a 77 year old woman who has been active all
I've always had high cholesterol, a year ago it was 8. I had an embolism in my little toe and was sent for various tests. Turns out I have a 50% blockage in my right leg which caused the embolism. Whilst at the hospital, the consultant sent me for an abdominal scan which showed I had the start of an abdominal aneurysm of the aorta. I was shocked to say the least.
My father died from an AAA and it seems it can be hereditary. I was put on statins which caused me to have a rash, told to leave them off, tried again and could not lift my arms up to dress myself. My cousin who was a nurse, suggested taking one statin a week and slowly building up from there. Thankfully this method worked and I am now able to take statins on a daily basis. I also take Benecol drinks and use olive oil on toast, my last reading was 4.4. so I am slowly weaning myself off a daily statin but will always take one statin a week.
Turns out I am pre-diabetic which can be caused by statins. I shall persevere with my diet, hope to lose some weight and fingers crossed, my test results will continue to be good.
I can offer guide line, you need to ask your doctor to do risk analysis and offer you advice.
Total cholesterol= HDL + LDL+ Triglyceride/x
5.9 = 1.42 + 4.1 + 0.9/x
NHS guide lines ask for better reduction on total cholesterol for people taking statins.
In NHS view LDL may be high?
I am 78, 5 mg medication do not bring number low enough therefore I have to take 10 mg but this brings the total cholesterol to very low and I get issues.
For me 10 years ago a cardiologist after few tests said no to medications.
I am still here similar to your blood test reading.
Please ask your doctor for risk analysis. followed by discussion and medication.
At our age medication can give additional problems.
Only time will tell.
Take care.
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