has anyone been prescribed the Repatha autoinjector for their cholesterol treatment. just curious. My PCP and my Cardiologist think it will be beneficial.....but i was just curious as to whether anyone 1) has been on it and 2) had any complications
cholesterol Injection Medication - Cholesterol Support
cholesterol Injection Medication

What are your cholesterol lipid numbers? Did your cardiologist do a risk score analysis?
A very expensive tratement!!!
I’ve been on Repatha for years because I don’t tolerate statins plus they don’t work. It’s not the auto injector, though, it’s a prefilled syringe. I’m on a plan that I get it for free. I reapply every April.
How expensive is the medication?
I have been asked to look in to station!
I do not know if UK, NHS will consider this medication?
for me it is $40 US based on my prescription insurance....having to jump through a lot of hoops between the prescription insurance and my medical team....it's a relatively new form of medication....I've been fighting it for years
Yes, the NHS will consider Repatha, although not all hospital trusts will prescribe it, probably due to its expense (£150 per shot, I was told, and it has to be taken fortnightly). There are also certain medical criteria that have to be fulfilled before it will be prescribed and it's a sort of 'last resort', when cholesterol levels won't respond effectively to other medications - you can't ask for it as an alternative to statins.
Yes, I've been on Repatha for about 3 years, I think. No untoward effects, apart from a snuffly nose the following day (which I probably wouldn't have noticed if my lipid nurse hadn't mentioned it might happen) and that stopped after I'd been on it for about 3 months. It is very effective in bringing down cholesterol when all else has failed!
I have GCA and I have been on Repatha for nearly a year. No side effects other than a stuffy nose for a day or two after bi weekly injection. It lowered my numbers within 2 weeks.
I was just reading an article on this so I want to follow this post . Repatha is the injection correct ?
I have been on repatha for about a year now. It has done wonders for my cholesterol in fact, it’s never been so low. The injections are easy and no side effects. I have had lots of heart surgery and I was told that having some kind of cardiac event was a condition of being offered it. However, it is probably true to say that it will be a post code lottery as to whether it is available as although available on the NHS now, it has only become so recently and is still pretty expensive so I understand
I have just started. 2nd injection taken. No bad side effects to note. Still to have a check to see if it has helped levels. I will report back.