Is anyone taking Amlodipine 5mg and Atorvastatin 5mg and do you have side effects. I am taking the two and my sleep at night is very poor I also have a very dry mouth and have a big thirst at night anyone experiencing this?
High Cholesterol and high B/pressure - Cholesterol Support
High Cholesterol and high B/pressure
I was on Amlodopine for ten years before discovering a dietary change as a consequence of a sporting objective (A very long distance endurance triathlon) that eliminated my high blood pressure and consequently came off the drug successfully over six years ago. It was not easy at first but is easy now. It’s simple. No sucrose. No grains. No pasta. No bread. No High GI , No breakfast before 1300 hrs Very limited vegetable grown under ground (eg radish ok but not any starchy roots. Only berries for fruits other than the odd apples. So lots of Spinach leek’s cauliflower etc etc
What are your blood pressure number ab cholesterol lipids numbers? Thnks.
I'm taking both of those, and I do get a very dry mouth. I recommend a dry mouth spray to keep beside your bed - I find combining that with a sip of water works well. And yes, I almost always have to get up at least once in the night, often more, but that's the trouble with getting older....
I am on both Amlodipine and Atorvastatin, higher doses however. I experience dry mouth and sleep problems as well. My sleep problems are not due to bathroom trips, I just cannot stay asleep even though I am tired. I feel anxious. May be due to one or both meds, unsure however.