This happened back in the summer and there was quite a bit of press coverage including things like this: "Cardiologist Anthony Dalby labelled Noakes’ advice for heart patients to switch from their cholesterol-lowering medication to his [LCHF] diet as criminal." has University of Cape Town sports scientist Prof Tim Noakes almost avoiding the question by saying something else (widespread prescription of statins) is worse. Sadly, the interviewer doesn't pick him up on it.
I was looking into this again because I'm on another round of medication tweaks and analysis. If I can control cholesterol by diet, I'd love to, but I've tried UCLP and low-carb before for relatively short times with insufficient effect, whereas the main consequence of a recent medic-advised monounsaturated fat increase seems to have been increased LDL levels (not HDL as I'd hoped), so I'm not really sure where to go next. Maybe I'll try one of the 1980s oat-obsessed plans next, or try vitC and niacin supplements.