If you take statins you Must have your liver checked in a blood cholesterol test every two months cause it can destroy your liver. The last two months I've had three stents - besides others years preceeding that - put in when I do everything I can to prevent it a cholesterol problem except taking statins which I can not do cause I Know they will give me a stroke and they began damaging my liver. So, I've had to look for other solutions. What I have been taking for the last few weeks is beta-glucan that so far has been great for me. If not for that I would have lgone back into the hospital. I understand it's a fiber that prevents cholesterol from being absorbed. It's found in oatmeal and other foods but that's not enough for me. So, I've tablets and capsules. The dosage varies. Some websites says to take 25 mg per kilo in weight. Others say take 1500 mg for 68 kg weight, 2000 mg for 81 kilos. This is my experience up till now. So, if you deceide to take it do what you think is best. There asrre two other supplements that asre suppose to be helpful which are plant sterols - that are structured similar to cholesterol - and trick the body into thinking they are cholesterol so it picks up them and tdhe cholesterol goes through. The dosage varies but I've seen 1200mg a day. And policosanol 10-40 mg a day. These are products that I believe can be taken with medication but I can't make any guarantees. Let me know what happens. Thank you.
Aids to statins.: If you take statins... - Cholesterol Support
Aids to statins.

Thanks Joseph. I will look into this , Anne
I can understand you don`t like statins ,neither do I and I also have stopped taking them but, I think you are going out on a limb to state that they were solely responsable for any liver damage or would give you a stroke. All medicines have side effects of some sorts even the humble asprin.
what peer reviews have you for the statement that what you are taking now is superior and less damaging than the side effects of statins ?
It maybe that you are taking something that could be ok for you but the death nell for someone who follows your "advise"
I agree with Joseph and I experienced significant liver problems which were fortunately picked up as a result of having a free medicine review with my pharmacist.
I was prescribed simavastatin September 2014 (and bisoprolol and Apixaban but swapped to warfarin January 2015). Then at the end of Feb 2015 when picking up warfarin from pharmacy they said would I like a free medicine review. I said yes and had a 20 minute review the next day. The pharmacist said I was OVERDUE to have a full set of blood tests and should have had tests 3 months after starting Simavastatin. This 3 months testing also applies to a number of other medicines prescribed around heart conditions, NOACs, etc. Saw GP. Tests done at local memorial hospital clinic. Then got multiple calls and voicemails from GP's surgery because liver function was 4 TIMES MAXIMUM. Immediately stopped simavastatin and by 6 weeks later liver test showed function back in range.
I was told it is not uncommon for liver problems to arise and that key is blood tests before starting, 3 months after starting, then possibly after a further 3 months but key is at least once a year after first starting.
If it wasn't for a very efficient and caring pharmacy (a small local group of say 6 branches) I would have developed serious and potentially non-reversible damage.
How long had you been on the statin? Are you completely off now? What else has helped you?
The first 5 statins I tried made me dizzy after several days so I stopped them and the dizziness went away. Then my doctor stressed that I should try one more which I did to try to do more to get rid of this problem. After 3 weeks of that I woke up one night and it felt like my head was going to explode. I could hardly stand up and almost fainted. I have no doubt that I came within a hair of having a stroke. One woman told me that her sister got cirosis of the liver and died from it at age 49. I had blood work done regularly to test for various things and it showed one element in my liver was twice as high as the maximum. Then I stopped the statins and that went down to normal. That's Enough proof for me.
The millions who take statins with no adverse affects tend not to be on these types of sites. Of course some people will react to certain chemicals depending on genetic make up as a number of factors. If everyone ate a plant based diet there would be little need for statins (and many other heart drugs as incidence of heart disease would significantly reduce) but in the meantime work with your Dr AND do your own research but remember, the Internet has drawbacks too - a little knowledge can be dangerous! Good luck.
So i agree with you about plant based diet helps with a certain amount of people and likely alot of folks to lower cholesterol. However, I am prime example of plant based diet person age 44 but have and have had dince late 20's very high familial hyperchol. And I exercise a ton so unfortunately I need somthing to put a huge dent in my ldl. I take plenty of good supplements and have been studying for years about this. Its just frusterating!
Perhaps check out any possible side effects of the supplements you are taking.
Plant sterols/stanols do not suit everyone.
Hi Sorry its taken awhile for me to write back to your kind post. And yes Ive read about the beta glucan from oat awile ago and could not find oat derived beta glucan readily avail. Would you mind sharing your source? I definately will take it. Policosinol and unfortuunfortunately wires me and causes insomnia for me as ive tried it again and again. ( then again statins do too its just that I have such hypercritical genetically high ldl) Ive turned to em and yes well aware of all side affects of liver etc... so Iam hoping to do all I can w/my supplements diet excer to at least cut back on dosage of the statin eventually.
Something i wanted share w/ you is herb that raises hdl is coleus forskohlii.
Started taking it along w/coconut oil. We'll see...
thanks for your support. Pls lmk whatelse youve been doing that seems to work.!
I buy it in health food stores. I believe that you are from the UK - I'm from the US - but they Must have it there. Look around again. If you can't find any then go on-line and if for whatever reason that doesn't work Let me know. I don't have the names of the companies that make them with me but let me know what happens and I'll get you the names and addresses. But they Must have some there. I have to take high dosages of it but so far so good. Good luck.
Have you seen the advanced bio nutritional formula? I researched beta glucan and this came up its packed with beta glucan and tons other stuff that are awesome for cholesterol. It's pricey but may be well worth it to come off or cut down on the station. Just wondering if you've seen or tried this one.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Health food stores should really have beta-glucan but if you can't find it go on-line to beta-glucan.com or go to vitaminshoppe.com or call 1-800-223-1216 or go to solgar.com or call 1-877-solgar4. So far it's working for me but I have to take high dosages and see what happens. Let me know. Thanks/
No I am from US- Colorado.. I looked at vitamin cottage didn't have beta glucan oat derived. Just beta glucan from other sources mushroom I think. I tried on line was having hard time finding strictly oat derived but will recheck and look at whole foods too...
Just another (very) late comment. I very recently read and began taking something pcynogenol - if I spelled that right. It helps to keep cholesterol from forming by blocking some protein and it also makes the arteries more flexible that helps to prevent - using the layman's term - hardening of the arteries. And vitamin K2, not K1 or K3, helps to keep calcium in the bones and teeth instead of going into the arteries and it also makes the arteries more flexible However, if you're taking a blood thinner check with your doctor first cause it may not be compatible with it. Good luck.