qz.com/537830/what-happened... includes this snippet about paleo diets. When dealing with a minority long-term condition like Familial Hypercholesterolaemia, there's even less evidence to suggest these diets will cure things. Mediterranean and portfolio diets have much more to commend them AFAICT.
[QUOTE]“There haven’t been any long-term studies done on the Whole30,” Hartwig told Quartz, saying however that the anecdotal reports reveal people having derived great benefit from the program. This is also true of the paleo diet at large: most of the studies only investigate its benefits on a small subset of people, in short-term studies and with a sample size (at times 15, 20 people), which is too small to lead to any generalized conclusions.
“What [the paleo diet proponents] forgot about is that the gut bacteria can adapt quickly in significant changes in one’s diet,” Raphael Kellman, a doctor and specialist in intestinal health who wrote The Microbiome Diet, told Quartz [/QUOTE]