Caldwell B Esselstyn's book: Read about... - Cholesterol Support

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Caldwell B Esselstyn's book

Anne76 profile image
30 Replies

Read about this book on the Forum and bought it on Amazon. Have decided to follow his diet. Is there a Forum member on this way of eating. He claims that he had twenty people on his trial with severe heart problems and twenty years later eighteen were still alive.

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Anne76 profile image
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30 Replies
sandybrown profile image

Had a quick on the Internet.

He recommends avoiding all animal products, as well as reducing or avoiding soybeans, nuts, avocados and oils.

My life style change, I now days eat, animal protein, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts butter cheese, full fat milk,cream and 4 avocado a week. LCHF food intake with portion control.

One life, just enjoy it, food intake control, drinks intake control and regular exercise can give us a healthy life.

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to sandybrown

Recent article on coconut oil.

Penel profile image

It's not the easiest diet in the world, so good luck with it. The evidence on whether or not it works remains controversial.

Hopefully the book gives you enough advice on nutrition and what to eat, as it can be easy to miss out on vital things like vitamin B12.

There's probably a support group somewhere, have a Google.

DJ100 profile image

I follow this diet 90% and will do for the rest of my life. It's not half as bad as it looks. When I was first diagnosed with blocked arteries I ended up speaking with Dr Esselstyn on the phone. He's quite convincing. Don't just rely on his books though, do your research. There are plenty of others out there who share his view and whilst I agree there has been no mass test with big numbers in convinced there is something in it. President Clinton follows matter your politics he's not a stupid guy and has access to the best medical people? His accompanying cool books make life easier. My cheat? I eat healthy fish once/twice a week. Good luck.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to DJ100

Do you avoid these food as the Doctor says "He recommends avoiding all animal products, as well as reducing or avoiding soybeans, nuts, avocados and oils."

DJ100 profile image
DJ100 in reply to sandybrown

Pretty much but that's why I say 90%. I don't use oils for cooking but there's oil in just about everything! No meat and no dairy is the main issue - juries out on nuts and BHF advice flies in the face of this. Esselstyn will say moderation kills but the points been made have to find a balance. Bottom line is I feel so much better and energized in so many other ways since giving up meat and dairy. Interested people should also look at the China Study. This is all based on studies of populations where heart disease is practically non existent and their diet pretty much reflects the Esselstyn plan. You don't need to make your life a misery but can make big steps and give yourself a good chance of longevity. It's also cheaper when you give up all processed rubbish!

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to DJ100

Things are evidently changing in China

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to DJ100

Did Clinton start the diet before or after his quad bypass?

bobaxford profile image

I have followed the Esselstyn diet for nearly 2 years. I came across it via Bill Clinton video I saw on YouTube when researching alternatives to CABG which I was recommended. I did however go ahead with the CABG and the first 6 months avoiding all the animal products but now have rintroduced lean chicken occasionally, say once a fortnight, and have fish regularly too. Have stopped all diary, have alpro soya milk. Was taking a B12 supplement daily but have now reduced this too as a recent private blood test showed I had hight levels.

I have enjoyed my change of diet and feel good on it having lost 10 kg in weight and importantly kept it off. I exercise regularly too.

As Esselstyn says " No one who achieves and maintains total blood cholesterol of 150 mg/dL and LDL levels below 80 mg/ dL - using strict plant- based nutrition and, where necessary, low doses of cholesterol reducing drugs - experiences progression of heart disease."

So this is my goal and I intend to keep to it for evermore. In UK terms total cholesterol below 3.89 mmol/L and LDL below 2.07 mmol/L. I regularly check via private tests, a simple prick test at pharmacy gives a good check, cost about £10.

Dean Ornish is the other book I bought and the philosophy is very similar but he also promotes emotional support too via his Feel the Love website. I did find this helpful when considering if I should or should not have a bypass operation.

I am a very strong believer in both Essestyn and Ornish and feel it works for me.

good luck.

ChasB profile image

Yes, I have followed this way of eating for 15 years. I had a stent put in in 2000. I followed the recommendations of Dr. Joel Fuhrman which is the same diet as Dr. Esselstein. I'm 66 now, retired teacher, and enjoy cycling and jogging. Next week I am off to Scotland to do some climbing on Crianlarich.

Another great book, recently published, is "Whole" by T. Colin Campbell Ph.D. He was the man responsible for the China Study. Read it and it will help you maintain your enthusiasm for your new way of life!

Best wishes and good luck with it all, Chas

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to ChasB

Not all agree with it.

Anne76 profile image

Many thanks to everyone who replied, nice to hear all your views and the good comments. I am only just starting diet so have a lot to learn.

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to Anne76

I hope it works for you, but pehaps bear in mind that there are many criticisms of the diet and of The China Study.

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to Penel

I liked the waiting open coffin:-)

Ravi1000 profile image

Hi All

Recently had a HA and a stent and have started the Esselstyn diet with full compliance for over 5 weeks now. My Total CHol was 5.2 Just wondering if others on the diet and with a heart event have changed their med doses as the diet improves their bodies?

bobaxford profile image
bobaxford in reply to Ravi1000

I have been on this diet for 3 years now since my bypass and came of my statin 6 months ago. I am not 100% compliment as I now eat fish regularly and occasional lean chicken- these are good sources for protein.

Ravi1000 profile image
Ravi1000 in reply to Ravi1000

I changed to follow this way of eating to live. My chol numbers were total 5.2, hdl 1.3 and ldl 3.5 tri 1.1 after they went to 3.9, 1.1, 2.0, 0.8 respectively. I did this for over a year after stents. Now I've added 2 meals a week where I have a small portion of chicken or fish. I also have added more.nuts, seeds and poly and mono fats. This added 0.4 to total and ldl numbers . Came off statins 4 months after starting. With 40mg of Lipitor I was at 2.0, 0.9,1.0 and 0.8 my doctor was happy with this but to me this seemed unnatural. Anyway if u do take statins remember to add coq10 to repair some of the damage the statins do.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to Ravi1000

With these blood test numbers do you feel any difference? When your total cholesterol was 2.0 with station, how was your total health?

My understanding is human body needs cholesterol to fully function.

Ravi1000 profile image
Ravi1000 in reply to sandybrown

Difficult to say whether my tiredness and feeling cold at the time was due to the low cholesterol, statins, diet , loss of weight , mass anxiety/depression or beta blockers. Definitely not tired these days but still feel the cold.

Ravi1000 profile image
Ravi1000 in reply to Ravi1000

update had some routine blood tests and chol levels were now

tchol : 3.78

lld: 2.31

hdl: 1.23

tri: 0.51

variation to previous diet was to add in more nuts and very small amount of meat and even some dairy, olive oil,

bobaxford profile image

See link above - a U.S. cardiologist who practices the plant based diet as per Esselstyn and Ornish talking at a recent event in US.

Anne76 profile image
Anne76 in reply to bobaxford

Really interesting seeing this video. Have signed up for his Newsletter. Two weeks now on this way of eating. Even my husband helping to cook some dishes. So good to read all the comments and to know there are like minded people out there. All these doctors are American, are there any English doctors out there who follow this method?

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to Anne76

Perhaps have a look on the BMJ website for a good debate on the subject entitled "Saturated fat is not the major issue". Lots of doctors debating from different points of view.

bletson4 profile image

Hi All - New to this world. Recently diagnosed with CAD. Age 47 fit (thought I was fit). Never smoked. Play soccer 2 -3 X per week ( vs 25 yr olds)Gym 2-3 Xs per week. Had physical 12/18. Abnormal ekg. Went to cardio - sent for calcium score. Score was 300. 98th percentile for age. Stress test abnormal. Had angiogram - 100% blockage in circumflex. 40% & 50% in 2 others. Angio showed body made collateral artery. Started dr. Ornish diet. Cholesterol dropped from 230 to 90 in 3 weeks. LDL 154 to 29. HDL 50 to 42. Also started statin 40 mg (cut to 20).

Has anyone else seen such dramatic change. Cardio recommended no stent or surgery. Continue diet.

Do any of you have insight on continuing training.

Thanks for any input.

Ravi1000 profile image
Ravi1000 in reply to bletson4

Very interesting that the cardiologist decided not to stent. You're the first person I've come across whose been allowed to try to cure yourself esp with 100% blockage Were you asymptomatic ? Who was your cardiologist? Did you have a follow up scan?

Anne76 profile image
Anne76 in reply to Ravi1000

Have just picked up your message as I am at Singapore airport returning from holiday. Not sure it was 100% blockage but high risk. They anted to give me an angiogram but I wanted to see if the diet would help me. Unable to have another test due to the radium. Have no symptoms and go to gym three times a week and keep very active. Hope it will do the trick.

Ravi1000 profile image
Ravi1000 in reply to bletson4


Regarding your continued training you need to check with your cardiologist as to what levels you should be safe at. I was much like you, was very fit , played lots of football, and had just started cycling, was going out for longer and harder rides. I apparently had a 60-70% blockage in my RCA which ruptured and caused it to 100% occlude. My Cardiologists suspects it was the intensity of the bike that caused the rupture. So best you check what they consider safe for you. I'm back to normal now playing football, weights, trekking not back on the bike yet which is due to fear I haven't got over yet, but i will preserve and conquer that too.

Anne76 profile image
Anne76 in reply to Ravi1000

Thank you for your interest. I do not go mad at the gym, do interval training on the cross trainer to raise and lower my heart rate, I do not get breathless at all. I know it is called the silent killer. I aim to keep to the WFPB NO OIL DIET which I have got used to and just hope I keep going.

Anne76 profile image

Hi Kai-An. Thank you for the many comments you have posted. I started the WFPB diet four months ago and as with bletson4 all my readings came down plus losing nearly a stone in weight, cannot afford to lose any more. I had coronary artery scan in August and came out as high risk. Since had a stress test and came out as excellent. The hospital do not want to see me again. I would like to know if anyone had a second coronary artery scan and came out with a lower risk score after being on the plant based diet. I will have one privately later in the year. Most of the items you lodge seem to be for RA. My husband has psoriatic arthritis and he was interested to hear your reports. Will let him read more and he may give the diet a try.

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to Anne76

Perhaps have a look at a gluten free diet, if you haven't already, to help your husband's psoriatic arthritis. Gluten can cause inflammation in various parts of the body in susceptible people.

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