BBC" 11.20 tonight. Horizon. Fat VS Sugar. Not a truly scientific show but they do quote some accepted studies and gives some interesting results for blood sugar levels and cholesterol
Interesting TV Programme: BBC" 11.2... - Cholesterol Support
Interesting TV Programme

Yes I saw it and there was much discussion at work the following day as most people are on some sort of weight control diet! The most popular at the moment is the 5:2. I was a bit perplexed about the high fat diet actually raising blood sugar when the low carbers tell us the opposite. I also marvelled at the complexity of the metabolic processes in our bodies. Do we just go back to having a balanced diet and our bodies will look after the chemistry....I just don't know.
Yes, I've read all the comments on Dr Briffa's blog. I don't for a minute take this sort programme seriously, the tragedy probably is that some people do. I do agree that it was slanted towards the high carb diet and entertainment not science.
Quite right all. We have to beware of "made for tv" it's more dramatic than needs be but was fairly interesting results and the studies quoted were respectable. And YES, HEALTHY BALANCE DIET, which is so hard to achieve. Healthy eating is usually expensive eating
Talking about me again??
Like I said, makes good TV. . . or that when young you grow more fat cells, when older your fat cells grow bigger, by then it's usually too late which is only one reason why so many adults struggle with reducing diets
I agree with all, program was definitely more theatre than science.
The only good thing that came out of program was high fat diet showed no increase in cholesterol, take note medical profession
Yep. There are so many incompatible opinions out there still it's a wonder we mere mortal get anywhere.
interesting entertainment.but a lot of it was of no real surprise.Especially the end reference to processed food and lack of exercise being bad for us.