During a wellbeing examination 3 weeks ago by my gp, my tryglicerides and tc levels were found to be 54 and 14.4 respectively. I have an appointment with a specialist in 1 week. I feel a little let down by the lack of support from my gp, although I have a myriad of questions ready for my specialist. I have been prescribed fenofibrate. Looking at other people's levels here on the forum I am worried that my immediate health may be at risk. What do you think? I am male, 44 bmi 24 and normal bp as otherwise good health.
Results from recent fasting blood test. - Cholesterol Support
Results from recent fasting blood test.

You need to look at life-line screening or blue crest screening, these people offer a package less than £200.00, it is value for money. Have had two life line screening, one this year and one two years ago. Blue crest this year.
I have a base line, will be discussing blue crest report with my GP on Friday this week.
You need to know your BP, BG or BS, all the cholesterol values, full blood test, kidney function and ultra sound tests as well.
What unites are these results? my triglycerides and total cholesterolc levels were found to be 54 and 14.4 respectively.
UK cholesterol levels:
•A total cholesterol level under 4mmol/l
•An LDL cholesterol level under 2mmol/l
•A HDL cholesterol level above 1mmol/l
•A triglyceride level under 1.7mmol/l
The important thing is that you have a quick referral so don't panic!
It sounds like you have one sort of inherited lipid disorder where your triglycerides are very high, there are others on this forum who have the same so they can give good advice.
I am not a great fan of "health checks" but it sounds like in your case something has been picked up which would have led to more serious symptoms such as pancreatitis (think that's how you spell it!). Let us know how you get on.
Can I repeat what Aliwally said? Don't panic. You are in good health and one week is not long to wait - though, I appreciate, it may feel like one year.Don't spend money on private tests until you have heard what your consultant says. Prepare your questions and make a note of the answers. Please come back to the forum and let us know your progress. We have all been through a similar time.
When I wrote my first post I was actually on holiday so I wad just going from memory on my results of my blood test. Here are my actual results from my patient record:
Serum chol. 14.8mmo/l
serum HDL. 1.37 mmo/l
Serum try. 56.8mmo/l
Serum LDL. Unable to calulate due to try. Being greater than 4.5.
I am currrntly taking 200mg og Fenofibrate with a secondary prevention of simvastatin to be discussed. On Tuesday I have an appointment with a a specialist from the endocrinology department of my hospital. I am not sure if in simple terms if this is the lipid clinic?
I will let you all know the outcome of my visit . Thanks for the support.
May be a typo, (The reading could be 5.68 mmol/l?)
Calculation the the web. Please take a look at the web, take a print out and ask questions and write down the answers.
UK Units.
Total Cholesterol mmol/L
HDL (High density lipoprotein) mmol/L
LDL (Low density lipoprotein) mmol/L
Triglycerides mmol/L
Your Total Cholesterol of 14.80 is HIGH RISK
Your HDL of 1.37 is NORMAL
Your Triglyceride level of 56.9 is VERY HIGH RISK
Your Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio is: 10.80 - (preferably under 5.0, ideally under 3.5) AT RISK
Your triglycerides/HDL ratio is: 95.076 - (preferably under 4, ideally under 2) VERY HIGH RISK
LDL -12.9, this is a negetive number!
If it is 5.68 then:-
Your Total Cholesterol of 14.80 is HIGH RISK
Your LDL of 10.81 is VERY HIGH RISK
Your HDL of 1.37 is NORMAL
Your Triglyceride level of 5.69 is VERY HIGH RISK
Your Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio is: 10.80 - (preferably under 5.0, ideally under 3.5) AT RISK
Your HDL/LDL ratio is: 0.127 - (preferably over 0.3, ideally over 0.4) AT RISK
Your triglycerides/HDL ratio is: 9.508 - (preferably under 4, ideally under 2) VERY HIGH RISK
Good luck with your checkup.
When you see the consultant you should get full appropriate screening & obviously need to take all the advice you will be given by this clinic. It would be interesting to know what part of the country you live in & why (at the age of 44) this condition has only just been discovered. Are you not aware of any poor cardio-vascular family history? Are you adopted? Was your blood test done on a fasting stomach? Has it been repeated? Sometimes there can be a lab. error, so this is the first thing that should be done. I agree you don't need to spend money on expensive screening tests; you will get all you need on the NHS & with levels as high as yours, I am sure you will be looked after. If your blood results are correct, any children you may have should be screened now. Get clued up on your condition so you have some knowledge & can ask the right questions.
Sorry, I have just seen that your blood test WAS done on a fasting level.
Hi Floozie
I live in Derby in the East Midlands. My condition has never been detected until now because I have never really been ill and as such I rarely visit my GP. There is a history of CVD in my family but the connection was probably never made due to the affected people dying of heart attacks at a fairly early age many years ago. I do have two children who will be tested when I am diagnosed. I already have a list of questions to ask my specialist. Thanks for the advice.
You have obviously had quite a shock & there is nothing you can do about the past, so look on the bright side that you will now get appropriate treatment & it does work. I doubt if I would be alive today had I not been diagnosed & treated by an expert. I have familial hypercholesterolaemia, with untreated serum cholesterol of between 10-12 mmol/l, elevated LDL, but normal triglycerides & HDL. I was diagnosed at the age of 28 (40 yrs.ago) and I am still here. Even better, my 2 children have normal levels. My parents both died at the age of 63. My treatment started long before statins appeared on the market, with Atromid S & Questran, but I reckon I have taken statins now for about 20 yrs. with no side effects (unlike most people on this website). I originally took Zocor (simvastatin) increasing to 80mg.daily, then pravastatin, and now take Crestor 40mg. daily (rosouvastatin) + Ezetrol 10mg. daily. I attend Manchester Royal Infirmary (Lipid Clinic) twice a year now (it used to be every 3-4 months) for monitoring & those all-important screening blood tests. I have always been of slim build so do not follow any special diet & eat what I like, letting the pills bring down my cholesterol, which they do very efficiently - I think my present level is between 4-5 mmol/l, but I don't worry about it too much. It is easy nowadays, with access to the internet, to read up about your condition & arm yourself with knowledge. You can then ask for any tests which may not be offered beyond the basics. I recently asked if I could have an ultrasound of the abdominal aorta in case I had an aneurysm, as my father had died from internal haemorrhage following a ruptured aortic aneurysm (due to atherosclerosis) and this condition can be familial. Because I asked, I got it, and thankfully it was normal. So stick up for yourself - you are young, and you need to get those levels down SAP. I will be interested to hear what has happened when you have been to the hospital. Good luck.