How do I convert my , high , choleste... - Cholesterol Support

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How do I convert my , high , cholesterol reading of 395 , in spain , to a British equivilant ?

jemerson profile image
10 Replies
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jemerson profile image
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10 Replies
sandybrown profile image

1 mg/dL=0.0259mmol/L, using this you can convery.

Therefore 395= 10.23, have calculated to two decimal places.

It is impeartive that you check the web site above to get full understanding of units conversarion. Are you planning life style change? or medication?

jemerson profile image
jemerson in reply to sandybrown

I have known my reading were high for over 10yrs and have been on many different brands of statin , up to 80mg , at one point . None of these caused a drop that was significant and 4yrs ago I stopped taking any of them . Just been prescribed 10mg a day Atorvastatina by a new doctor . I have always eaten a healthy , balanced diet , rarely eat processed food or preserved meats , don't eat puddings, cakes or sweets and hardly ever eat anything fried . I eat lots of veg. and oats , seeds etc . Am at a loss as to what to do for the best as previous doc. said the high level of statins were damaging my liver .

sandybrown profile image

I tried to avoid statin for 2 years. I am 67, asian and life style change did bring blood sugar level down! My GP practice wants me to take station to avoid any damage therefore I have been on statin for 7 weeks now (20mg a day Atorvastatina ). Had blood test last week for liver function, will be seeing my GP next week to discuss the results. My next blood test is in June this year for cholesterol.

If the numbers are not coming down then that it is I am stopping statin. I have been in a lot of pain, did a day of heavy gardening, for three days could not went down to sit on the toilet!!! never had pain like this before including tooh and gum pain. Another six weeks to go!, I want to enjoy my life even if it is shorter due to high cholesterol.

oyinemi2012 profile image
oyinemi2012 in reply to sandybrown

You are having Statin side effect that can be fatal. Stop taking your Statin, concentrate on life-style changes, with prayer, God will see us through.

patch14 profile image

I am of the opinion that, unless you have Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) a likely inherited problem, the high levels of your C could be due to some underlying problem that the body is trying to rectify. If this is the case, say a long term illness, trauma, stress or injury, then it is likely that you could lower your levels by finding out what could be causing the higher figures, especially as you have tried so hard to eat well and exercise. Do you smoke? Do you, perhaps drink a little too much alcohol? Do you sunbathe too much and perhaps get burnt - it can be easy to do in Spain. Another visit to your GP and some further tests would be the best way to go.

I am a statin sceptic, especially since I have been on this forum. The horrendous side effects of statins that have been reported here make going on such medication would be, for me, the absolute FINAL solution.

I know that there are those of you who have found no problems with statins and are relying on them for a good quality of life and I am delighted you are trouble free.

All the best to you and I wish you well.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to patch14


What tests are available to indentify and underlying issues? Have been in good health apart from alergy, asprin base. Not sure of stress, sleep well every night.

I do not smoke.

I like my drinks, Starting from January for three months, stopped drinking to see if it will help with cholesterol levles. It did not help but lost 6 lbs.

Now trying statin, only time will tell. Wait till end of June for blood tests.

My storng belief is that when my muw produced me she gave me a number of ticks and I will leve till that time in good health. For the first time three years ago I went nito hospital for eye operation, one question "When were you last in the hospital?", answer never. people in the hospital could not understand it. First 4 years of my life my mum looked after me very well, sadly she passed away after my brother's birth and then my aunt looked after me again very well. UK life style for the last 50 years.

jemerson profile image

I have only been on Atorvastatina for 10 days . Some thigh pains but nothing too serious yet . I don't hold out any hope of them doing any good - been down that road already . I am a 63 yr old woman , white , British and living in Spain , on a mostly Mediterranian diet . Good luck and thanks for the info. on conversion .

patch14 profile image

When you had your cholesterol test arranged did you have your blood pressure done; were you weighed and height measured? Were you asked lifestyle questions such as diet, exercise and alcohol consumption? Did you have a blood and urine test done? All these are normally done before any medication is prescribed for such conditions. After all, the GP shouldn't be prescribing anything until he/she is totally informed of your full health picture. Have you a history of ill health that the GP was able to go on? Those are the tests I was referring to.

AlexandriaT profile image
AlexandriaT this site converts from American to UK

yours seems quite high but have I done it right?

suki65 profile image

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