How do I know if I have high cholesterol? - Cholesterol Support
How do I know if I have high cholesterol?

I find the comments of TD above totally irresponsible! There are circumstances where you need to get your cholesterol levels checked and it could save your life. What have you got to lose by having it checked, it's a simple blood test and then you can discuss the result with your GP who is the expert in these matters. If the levels are high you can consider steps to reduce the danger including modifying your diet or using medications - listen to the experts not some pub philosopher.
Two years ago I had a heart attack and my cholesterol was at 7.8, following an angioplasty I have reduced my cholesterol level to 4.8 by prescribed Rusavastatin without side effects. Your analysis is subjective and pompously inferred, I would suggest you examine validated evidence via the Cochrane Library. It is not helpful for anyone for your to dogmatically state that individuals should not get the levels checked and remain in ignorance. Following proper advice and support from the experts I am back to full health and fitness working in the gym, swimming and cycling eg 35 mile ride this morning. Please stop giving people misleading information.
Hi Ozziebear
SInce I started reducing my cholesterol level so many of my friends have asked me this very same question. The answer I give them is 'you can't know, but have a test and then you will know'. Reducing your cholesterol level is one area of one's health that one can really make a difference to. Whatever people may think about statins or even the role cholesterol plays in heart disease (both controversial topics it seems) I see no reason to remain unaware of your cholesterol level. Then it is up to you to make sense of all the info out there and make an informed choice for yourself. Good luck!
Well said foodblog, but I think the damage high cholesterol does is well proved by research and expert opinion
But they're not definitely not causal either - that's why the lipid hypothesis hadn't been disproven - and those are results for whole populations, not inherited conditions which many here have.
I agree with all of the above, even Mr Sceptic. Without knowledge we are ignorant! Get your cholesterol levels done at your GPs, and when you get the results ask for all your figures, not just the total. Ask him for a print out of the results then you have then in your grasp. Then research. Look at this forum, medical reports in journals, websites from various charities and on line medical research for and against statins, advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes, (something I think we all should pay attention to) then armed with all that you can then discuss any changes or medication you and your GP think appropriate. A good GP Surgery should have a dietician available to give further advice.
All the best