I'm now awaiting a bvd opthalmologist test in February, after numerous prescriptions didn't work over 12 months.
The idea of spheric instead of aspheric was discussed, but as I've never had a problem with aspheric for over 8 years the optician ruled this out, I was happy about this due to the way a +8.00 would look in spheric lenses. But I've been in and out of moderate to severe debilitating migraines for 12 months now, I'm worried.
I usually take sumitriptan once a month and it sorts out the migraine, but for 5 days now. It's been going and returning with no let up.
I'm due a GP appointment this afternoon to try and be seen sooner by the bvd opthalmologist, as I'm on a waiting list for two as I'm not seen as emergency, my optician has already re seen me and referred me to bvd opthalmologist, a and e can't help, out of hours can't help..
But I cannot take anymore of my migraine tablets because I will be over using them and could overdose, I have a 6 year old daughter and when the migraine hits I cannot do anything, family have to work to live and they're here currently looking after my daughter to relieve my pain that is coming and going intermittently.
It is my fault for avoiding the opticians and waiting longer to go back, purely out of fear of how I'm going to look in thick thick glasses that distort the eyes, but I'm in too much pain now, and cannot function properly. I have to try and forget how awful I may look and see that I need to see and not be in pain.
Having bdd, this is immensely difficult and I'm still not really sure what the outcome is going to be after 12 months.
Any advice