Good day to you wonderful people,as title I'm currently getting my self in quite a state over the health assessment that I have for tomorrow,hears so many horror stories about trick questions etc , sorry I know this is probably the wrong place on this site to state about anxiety etc,just wanted to write it down to see if it was possible to try and release some of this anxiety,in my case social anxiety is brought on by the meeting of new people in strange places due to my "non conventional looks",angina sorry for taking up space on this awesome site with my inane drivel,thanks steve
Anxious for DWP health assessment - Changing Faces
Anxious for DWP health assessment

hi mate,
NO!! Its absolutely right to share anxiety!! It is said a problem shared is one halved…. Thats kind of right.
Been through one of those. There are no trick questions BUT as McMillan said to me, tell them about YOU on a BAD DAY AND NOT what you are like on a good one….. I am certainly not saying exagerate anything, far from it. But if they cannot see what the worst days are like, then they are not making a fair assessment of you.
Just tell the truth, what life is like for you, but make sure they go away knowing just how bad bad days are…. Thats honest, fair and I think, entirely reasonable.
good luck, and whatever happens, dont let it worry you, as hard as that may be.

Thanks for your response as always,best wishes Steve
Bless you - I think we all understand how you are feeling. It's so natural to be nervous before something like that, whether an interview or driving test, but the health assessment is more important. Whoever you see will understand that everyone that they see will be nervous, and it would actually go in your favour, rather than if you walked in full of confidence and appeared to have nothing wrong. It's the thought of the assessment that is probably more scary than the actual thing. We'll all be thinking of you and wishing you well. Do let us know how you get on. Best of luck - you'll nail it!
Hi, Steve.
I think this is the perfect place to share your anxiety, as having a visible difference seems to cause all kinds of anxiety.
I think It's stressful not knowing what type of assessor you will get and therefore that can add more stress to an already stressful situation. Take deep breaths and tell yourself that it will all workout. Being nervous will work in your favour anyway. They may ask you the same question a few times, that's as tricky as it may get. I'm guessing you filled in a form beforehand, so maybe re-reading that may help.
Good luck🤞🏻,
Thanks again for all the positivity,I've just managed to rope my old dad into taking me tomorrow so that's one less thing I need to concentrate on(ie driving and finding the place)so thanks to the old fella he's taken a bit of the weight of my already sagging shoulder
just be honest - that’s all I can say. Tell them how you feel in your own words. Remember when you have crap days - these are your normal days. Be strong - you’ve got this. Not sure if I have helped but I can relate. Hugs and stay strong. Yellowwellies x
Well that was a load of stress and anxiety for not a lot ha ha,went down to the medical after signing in etc waited for my appointment time then to be told that my assessment can't be done today as there are no doctors on site, apparently there's something on my form that needs a doctor for the assessment,so needs to be re arranged,so back to waiting for the next round now
How frustrating for you, but not surprising given the state of this country and how broken all the systems are. At least you have a reprieve for the time being, and hopefully it won't be so nerve-wracking next time.
Quick update on the DWP ,had a letter to confirm my next appointment but unfortunately my old dad is away on a well deserved break at the time of the appointment so out of shere desperation I phoned the DWP and asked if it would be possible to switch to a phone interview,so happily the Yong lady said that no problem and will resend an appointment for phone,cheers Steve