I have shared the story regarding my visible difference but for those who do not know I have a genetic condition called Craniofrontal Nasal dsyplasia, the bones in my skull fused prematurely in the womb cause facial asymetry, wide shaped eyes and nose and also some skeletal issues. I am a very confident person and the reason for this I believe is due to my participation in sport/ fitness. From a young age sport has been apart of my life whether that was taking karate classes, playing in the rounders team, being part of the football and athletics teams during school years. Being involved in sports teams provided me with a solid network of friends which in turn made me feel good about myself as I was not labelled ella with the visible difference, I was judged on my football skills etc.
In the last 2 years have taking up running, despite being sporty i hated running long distance not anymore. I have found that the running community has welcomed me with open arms and I have met some fabulous people along the way, thus in turn I have also inspired a few through my social media. Im now in training for my second half marathon in as many years. I just love getting that finishers shirt and medal. Through my love of running I have made some real quality friends who I now could not imagine life without them.
I just wanted to ask if anyone else has found sport a good way of dealing with anxiety/confidence/ self esstem that is often associated with having a visible difference. Research by Changing faces found that nearly two in five (39%) felt uncomfortable at sports and leisure facilities. Or what experiences or barriers have people felt towards sports participation?