Hi all
I heard about changing faces on BBC radio 2 this morning. I'm a 36 year old female.
It's difficult for me as my problem was self inflicted so I feel incredibly guilty being here.
I jumped out of a window 12 years ago and landed on the right side of my face. I broke every bone and lost most of my teeth. Of all the scenarios I considered, landing on my face wasn't one of them.
I've healed pretty well to be fair, but it's still obvious. I constantly look swollen and lopsided particularly on photos. This isn't a body dysmorphia issue, it is obvious.
I recently had a week of work as I had an abscess and couldn't get my dentures in. I wont go to work without teeth.
The abscess was caused by ill fitting dentures and they cut my mouth. I cant go to the dentist right now for new ones as I cant afford them. The dentures took months to make as my mouth is deformed inside, it was difficult to make them. I'm missing bone and the roof of my mouth snapped in half.
I am in pain every day and have strange sensations in my face. When I pluck my eyebrows, my lip twitches. Since the abscess, my chin us constantly twitching and I have a bubbling sensation all down my right side. If I touch my mouth, I can feel it in my eye. I have earache a lot of the time, pain going into my neck and my jaw clicks out of place.
I think going back to MFU would be useful but I have a fear of being seen as a fraud, and I also feel unworthy because I did this to myself
Anyway, thank you for reading x