I first noticed the right side of my jaw having a slight change of shape, as my teeth from the same side moving abit closer to my cheek, that was roughly a year ago. Now as am taking pictures it's pretty clear one side of my face is slightly disfigured and my jaw is pushed downward. Am not sure if it is due to a fight I was engaged in earlier last year. Anyone with the same problem? Or maybe remedies to my issue??
Facial disfigurement clearly noticeable in ... - Changing Faces
Facial disfigurement clearly noticeable in photos

You can get doubble jaw surgery for that dont worry. I dont know wich country you're from but sometimes its covered by insurance just tell them it hurts. If not the cheapest way to get it is traveling to korea. Kind regards. Also go get a ct scan to rule out underlying conditions
So meaning it's nothing serious? And in any case will it continue losing shape or I'll stay the same until I get the surgery?? Am from Kenya
It will probably stay the same untill you have surgery and you probabky just noticed now when taking pictures. Thr picture where you noticed is it a mirrored picture? If yes then its normal that you notice asymmetry much more then in normal non mirrored pictures. Its because youre not used looking at yourself in that perspective.
Thanks so much Vinnieplagio, your advise really helps, i have so many questions..
I noticed this issue recently but now other things are coming out clear, like, i usually chew food with my left jaw but I find myself leaning more towards my right side, my right jaw is disfigured and am not sure if it's really that fight on something genetical, what do you think sir?
Jaw assymetry with leaning could be a sign of muscle imbalance. Check for ear asymmetry, a shoulder thats higher then the other to rule out its torticollis. Kind regards
What exactly is torticollis?
My shoulders are normal but one side of my face is abit assymetrical, like my right eye for example is lower than the left, is there any cause for alarm?
It muscle imbalance that can cause asymmetry but if you dont have scoliosis or neck problems i doubt it will be this. Have you already went to your doctor for this?