Hi everyone, hope you are all ok and enjoying this lovely weather we are having . Right I will get right down to what I have to say , it might get me in trouble so be it I can't just sit back and let things go on because it's a shame on you lovely people . On this forum a certain individual is trying to make it hard on a few of us one being me and is using a different username to do so I have a very good idea who it is and to be honest doesn't bother me now but the people I care about on here then it does bother me because you are decent people , so unless those who we look up to don't sort it out then it leaves me no option . Clive X 🤗
Hi everyone, : Hi everyone, hope you are all... - Care Community
Hi everyone,
I left the pwb group in April off my own accord as all it did was upset me which was a shame as it used to be good there but its always the way a few people spoil things for everyone else!
I wasn't surprised when I saw it had shut down though.
Hi Catgirl1976, this goes a lot deeper I'm sorry to say , this individual is a stalker not just on h.u . I'm sorry you had to leave but unless those above do something this will go the same way . Clive X 🤗
I’m sure you’ve already reported this person and their alias if you’re certain. I like to think admin will sort this out but I do know how short staffed they are. I’m very concerned this person is targeting you so would hope something will be done to stop that immediately.
I will keep an eye on things Clive. I won’t tolerate nastiness on this forum as we are here to support each other. Woe betide the person who tries to upset anyone. I hope they read this. Xxxx
Thank you sassy59 only time will tell
Thanks sassy59, no need for me to say more as you've put it very succinctly. 🙏😊👍
What is good about scaremongering people , this is not a forum to do that if you want to do that you are better off elsewhere where you can do it
I'm not scaremongering you I just said in my post if you read it right that if the powers what be upstairs don't sort it I will . Us good people on here don't need anyone upsetting the forum