Happy Easter: Hi everyone, Well, what a... - Care Community

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Happy Easter

15 Replies

Hi everyone,

Well, what a strange Easter this is going to be for us all.

Ironic isn’t it that the weather has turned up trumps, when often Easter heralds the return of cold and miserable weather? I hope some of you will be able to spend time in your own lovely gardens!

I know we are a forum of sensible, mature people and that none of us will be daft and dangerous enough to be thinking of going out unnecessarily, but I wish the minority who can’t seem to get the message, would stop endangering us all by insisting on breaking the law for their own selfish pleasures.

Despite all the challenges, I’d like to wish you, and those you so tirelessly care for, as pleasant a weekend as you can manage. It might take some ingenuity, and swallowing some disappointments, but it’s all in a good cause.

Does anyone have any idea how they will cope with the weekend? I’m planning on doing a bit more cooking than usual; perhaps something a bit more challenging, to take up some time, to make us a special meal at least. And I’m blessed that my husband is rostered off duty until Monday night, so I have some company. Is anyone else planning on cooking a special Easter meal?

I’d just like to give a heartfelt hug to those of you who have loved ones in residential care homes during this crisis. It’a a heartache not being able to be with them, and sad for those who can’t understand why all of this is necessary. And to all who are caring at home, I hope you’ll be able to find a few minutes at least of pleasure for yourselves.

Whatever it is that you do to pass your time this weekend, I hope that you are still all managing to remain positive, and as safe and well as you can, and a very happy Easter to you all. 🙏

Photo courtesy of Sven Brandsma (unsplash.com)

15 Replies
sassy59 profile image

This certainly is going to be a very different Easter. We were going to be with our daughter and family on Sunday but I’m cooking a leg of lamb instead so that’s something to look forward to.

Our eldest son will be working on nights at Gatwick probably but will be able to spend much of the day with his family. Our youngest remains in his flat alone but we keep in touch.

I wish everyone a peaceful Easter and stay safe everyone. Xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59,

That sounds delicious. I think a lot of us might turn to food for comfort! So sorry you can't be with your daughter and family. We hadn't made any firm plans but usually we get together with family too.

Is your elder son the one who is a policeman? I hope that, in any case, he has trouble-free shifts and I'm glad he can spend his days with his family. It must be a huge challenge for your youngest son. My heart goes out to him. Take care sassy59 and all of you, please remain safe and as happy as you can be. xxxx 🙏

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Thank you Callendersgal. Our eldest son is the policeman but he’s off for a week from Monday onwards which is good. Our youngest is ok so far and we do stay in touch.

Stay safe, and positive. We will get through this. Xxxx

Afrohair profile image

I will be cooking as I usually do at Easter for me I don’t usually go out at Easter 🐣 but cook a nice meal .a roast usually and give the kids a Easter hunt .mum Dosent like being around lots of people including Christmas she tends to withdraw at events like that since getting ill due to noise. she started off coming for a short while then leaving to automatically excluding herself. she usually brings round an Easter egg beforehand but that won’t happen this year.she has been to the doctors recently due to a rash which appeared to be some kind of allergy and is now on 12 lots of medication per day I’m keeping in touch through FaceTiming she seems to be coping well with FaceTiming and has her neighbours for friendship they seem to be still knocking on each other’s doors swapping food which is nice she has some interaction though I know she misses going to church they are still in touch x

in reply to Afrohair

Hi Afrohair, Good to hear from you again, and I have been wondering how your mum's been faring during the crisis. I'm glad you are able to Face Time with her and that she has some help from neighbours. I think it's hard for a lot of people not to be able to attend church, and I feel for your mum and anyone else who will miss that.

I love that you'll still be able to do an Easter egg hunt for the kids and I hope you enjoy your roast. Hope you all manage to have a happy Easter. 🐣

MikeMan58 profile image

Happy Easter to you too 😘

in reply to MikeMan58

Thanks so much MikeMan58 😊

Hellebelle profile image

My husband and myself will be spending Easter with our little scruffy Jack Russell who keeps us entertained with his funny antics! We were planning a family meal but our daughter will be spending it with her partner a few miles away. If seems very strange not being able to see her even though she lives so close. I know that everyone is having to make sacrifices and so we just have to get through this together.

I will be joining you Callendersgal in doing more cooking and trying out some more elaborate recipes. We are also lucky in that we have a garden to sit in. I think all of us on this site and in the general population are so thankful to all of those working this weekend to keep this country functioning. Wishing everyone the best Easter you are able to have. ❤

in reply to Hellebelle

Hi Hellebelle,

It's so weird for us all isn't it? Still a sense of unreality for me I think. I'm coping fine, but still have that 'can't believe this is happening' feeling.

So glad you have your litte Jack Russell to help entertain you. Pets can be a great comfort.

Shame we can't be with loved ones, but here's hoping to be together with them again sometime soon. And as you say, we just have to get through it.

Well, let me know how your culinary efforts go! I have good days and bad days with cooking, so fingers crossed that my attempts will be edible! 😊

Lynd profile image

Happy Easter Callendersgal

Although it is warm I have put a stew on today as I don't want my fresh veg to go to waste.

We have been very fortunate to have the council team up with the coop. You ring the council. They send you a food list.

You ring again and give your order.

Coop ring for payment. Then delivered by volunteers. This has stopped me having to go shopping and my Husband is more shielded.

Big Big thank you to all the volunteers.

Happy Easter everyone.

in reply to Lynd

Hi Lynd, I don't know about you, but I'm being so much more careful not to let anything go to waste, as it cuts down on the shopping trips my husband is making. I'm really glad for you that you have the food delivery service for extra vulnerable people. It really will help to keep you both safe and it seems to be working really well for you.

Enjoy your stew. They are always so tasty aren't they, and I don't see why you have to keep them for the winter. And have a very happy Easter in the best way you can. 🙏

lKeith profile image



The weather is typical good for one day the rest stay indoors out of the wind & rain.


in reply to lKeith

Hi Keith,

I find a certain irony in the fact that in a normal year we'd all be staying in from wind and rain, and this year the weather's been amazing, but we still have to stay in! Hope that despite it all, you are managing to enjoy Easter the best that you can.

lKeith profile image
lKeith in reply to


Hi, again

I will enjoy Easter but not quite the same as normal. We are currently trapped in Spain, unfortunately they celebrate Easter not with eggs or the bunny but with a special tasty looking honey drenched tortilla. Unfortunately will not get one as it would mean meeting up with someone which we are not allowed to do (Without incurring a fine) so I will have to go without. Does look good tho'

Only got a card as there is one English shop in the neighbourhood have to make good with a twix.

Happy Easter.


Sara_2611 profile image

Oh theyre sweet .My mum has been doing some knitting too

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