Friday rambling: Hello everyone, Well, I can... - Care Community

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Friday rambling

15 Replies

Hello everyone,

Well, I can now count the individual leaves on that golden tree which was so pretty outside my window just one week ago. On the plus side it's really good to have a full view of the life going on outside in the busy street.

How are you all feeling about the clocks having changed and seeing darkness fall that much earlier? I know it affects lots of people's mood and if you are one of those, it's probably extra difficult this year when life's so restricted and devoid of many of the things we might usually do to keep ourselves cheerful.

If it descends into actual seasonal affective disorder and you are feeling really low, I hope you'll ask for some advice from your GP surgery as this is an actual disorder and needs to be treated as such. The special lamps you can buy for only moderate cost seem to help lots of people too.

I'm so lucky that I don't suffer from anything like it and even though autumn/winter seems flatter this year, with no treats to look forward to and the prospect of maybe a bleak Christmas, I'm relatively upbeat, fortunately.

My big treat of the week is that my new snuggle chair and footstool finally arrived after being ordered way back in the summer. It's really far too big for my small apartment, but I'm always all about the comfort and not of style. I have an oversized TV for the same reason, and refuse to be embarrassed by its presence. A nice comfy chair, a movie on TV, a slice of cake and a cuppa, and that's evenings sorted out till spring!

And such a joy to have the entire chair to myself instead of having to squash up on the couch with hubby (we enthusiastically sold off the other one, having once ordered the new chair).

What little pleasures have any of you enjoyed this week? I hope it hasn't all been about the ever gloomier picture on the Covid-19 front.

Take care, and I hope you can all find your own reasons to be cheerful! 🌺😊🙏🌈

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15 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Hi Callendersgal, it’s a blustery day here today but many leaves are clinging on for dear life.

The clocks changing haven’t really affected us and we are also quite upbeat. We haven’t done very much but did have hearing checks yesterday. I am now in possession of a pair of NHS hearing aids so will be getting used to wearing them. Pete who, to my mind is worse than me, disentangle need hearing aids. I can’t quite believe that. 😳

Your new chair and stool sound ideal. Hope you enjoy the comfort. Pete loves a big tv and we have one.

Looking forward to next week as have our wedding anniversary and our daughters 40th. Hopefully the few plans we have in place will still come off but who knows.

Have a great weekend and wishing everyone well. Xxx😘💕🌈❤️

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59, how lovely to have two happy events to look forward to next week! Hope you enjoy both. And I'm so pleased that neither of you get SAD either. It must always be hard to get through these short days when you are a sufferer.

Yes, best not to speculate too much on what we can or can't do in future. It doesn't do anything to cheer you up, but as it might not come to pass, why worry now? Take care, have a good weekend and enjoy those family celebrations! xxx 👍🙏🌺🍾

Yes! Your very own personal comfy chair and ottoman! Like you, I am all about comfort and your prescription for winter evenings is my favorite way to splurge as well.

Just watched a great Netflix movie last night: "Fisherman's Friends" based on the true story of the fishermen from Wales and their musical rise. Heartwarming and truly a feel good movie guaranteed mood lifter!

After several days of an ice storm and drastic temp drop that cut off electricity to many neighborhoods and caused additional damage to homes and properties from broken limbs and split tree trunks, temps rose yesterday and I kept humming throughout the day: "The sun will come can bet your bottom dollar".

Dark, dreary, cold days put me into hibernation mode. Luckily I live in a U.S. state with a great deal of sunshine so can muster through a successive day or two of dreary dark. This was longer so lights were on throughout the house from rising to bedtime.

I was also fortunate to have only one large broken tree limb that I managed to drag off of the driveway and my electricity stayed on. So grateful for the sunshine and rising temps!

in reply to FlowerPreciousLover

Hi FlowerPreciousLover, I loved 'Fisherman's Friends' which really is a feel good movie. And I just love Port Isaac in Cornwall where the singers come from. It's also 'Port Wenn' of the 'Doc Martin' series fame, and a couple of years ago we rented the cottage portrayed in the series as his home and surgery. That was fun as is the long running series.

I'm just so grateful that although we had some blustery weather, it's caused no real damage here and I feel for anyone who has sustained structural damage and/or had to do without utilities. That's always challenging.

I envy you your winter sunshine though! It's such a spirit raiser. Glad to hear you are generally bearing up as the season changes! Take care!

FlowerPreciousLover profile image
FlowerPreciousLover in reply to

Thanks for your response Callendersgal. How much fun to learn that Port Isaac is also Port Wenn of the Doc Martin series and even greater that you rented his cottage home and surgery!!! So enjoyed that series!!!

We are well here and concentrating on things we have got rather than worrying about those we haven't at present.

I have been busy in the kitchen this week making various meals for dinner like sausages with parsnip chips, roast chicken dinners, chicken stew and chicken left over for today's lunch in a sandwich along with some of it tossed in a chicken and mushroom soup which was delicious!

Been busy on future learn as well learning about humanism and alternative ways of life which I enjoy.

Also in spite of the rainy weather here I have made it a priority to get out on a daily walk and have done so every day this week so that's something to look forward to.

It's our Friday catch up this evening with our friends and they will be very impressed when they see our sausage with root veg mash and sweet potato for tonight's dinner and I always look forward to those.

Tomorrow we are having Halloween at home with some spooky Halloween films and the usual Halloween foods do no one feels like they are missing out.

Baby will be getting her usual treats!

One thing I am extremely thankful for is that I'm not at that toxic job anymore as its a year ago this week that I sent in my notice to them saying I was finishing there at the end of November last year and how they had made me sign a form of termination and I had cried after I was told no I wasn't having my notice period reduced after I had asked and told I had taken too much leave for that year so would have had to have paid it back out of my final wages.

What had upset me was to do with the spiteful way I was treated rather than the holidays in themselves.

It had been Halloween the day that had happened and I had cried down the phone to one of my friends after work had finished for the day and she had said that the line manager was a nasty person for having done that and it had blown her mind that they hadn't have tried to have talked me out of it!

Another thing I am thankful for is that I don't have to go to that job again to be made miserable all day every day I am there as there was no need for that kind of behaviour.

FlowerPreciousLover profile image
FlowerPreciousLover in reply to

Catgirl1976, It is always good to hear from someone out of a toxic situation. Maybe get a large poster of a witch (think line mgr) to throw darts at as you celebrate this much happier Halloween???? Smiles

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Enjoy your catchup with friends catgirl and I’m glad you’ve left that toxic job behind. Have a great weekend. Xx🎃👻

Great to hear you are keeping busy as usual and as FlowerPreciousLover has said, it's always a good feeling to wave goodbye to a toxic situation.

Sara_2611 profile image

i hate the fact that now the clocks have gone back & not much daylight during the day -to cap it all -bad weather so i cant go out for a bike ride.Thank god I go horseriding in a mornings instead of the afternoon

in reply to Sara_2611

Do you spoil the horses and give them mints?

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to

I give them a good pat after my ride out (or hack out as its called in the equestrian world) but the horse isnt mine so I cant .Like us mints are bad for their teeth

Daisy55 profile image

Now that sounds like my perfect Autumn time , chair Tv and cake . I made an apple cake this week from a W.I. recipe in our local village magazine , it is really lovely . Today it will be making Bread Pudding , I haven’t made one in a long time . We have a big tv too , I am going to watch Frozen 2 today , I will then be able to have a FaceTime conversation with my 3 year old Grandaughter 😂 who I am sure will quiz me on it . Heard this week that I am going to be a Grandma again in April next year , so pleased with that news .

I like this time of year , closing the curtains early and being cosy inside , on go the candles . There is that little bit of excitement of Christmas approaching . It is down to the internet that so many things can still be enjoyed and whatever we need can be on our doorstep .

Have a lovely day all xx❤️

Oooh! I love both apple cake and bread pudding Daisy! That sounds so delicious.

When we boil it down it often is the really simple things that give us the most pleasure. We just forget that when there are a lot of distractions round about us.

in reply to

That's a valuable lesson I will take away from covid is that the simple things are the best!

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