Friday rambling: Hi everyone, How has your... - Care Community

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Friday rambling

7 Replies

Hi everyone,

How has your week been?

I've struggled a bit as I expect a lot of people do from time to time. Lockdown was easier in the beginning. It was a huge shock to us all but the fear of the pandemic was uppermost in our minds and the rules were clear.

Now it's a little more difficult to focus on the danger, as life is being returned to us in dribs and drabs.

I'm slightly jealous of those in single person households who now get to meet up with a chosen family in their 'bubble', but of course overall, I'm absolutely delighted, as life in lockdown on your own must have been so incredibly hard. I hope that anyone reading this who is in that category is feeling pleased and relieved to be able to meet up properly with loved ones. It's an encouraging development for all of us.

Today's my first big venture out since lockdown to do our monthly 'big shop' at a well-known wholesaler so I hope that will go OK. I am looking forward to being away from my home environment for a little while, even though it'll be very different to shopping there before the pandemic.

How's anyone else done this week? Is anyone having any anxieties about the more relaxed rules about going out and mixing slightly more?

I hope you all have a good day, and that it'll be followed by a good weekend!

7 Replies
sassy59 profile image

We have mixed feelings because our son is alone but can’t come here because of shielding and his problems. Things aren’t great but not much can be done unfortunately.

Asda have left all our chilled goods off the delivery van so hopefully we will get them delivered later.

Enjoy your day and weekend. I think I’ll go back to bed. Xxx😀💖😘

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59, that sounds like a plan to me. Back to bed, and in a while get up and start the day again, hopefully better second time around! What a nuisance with Asda! Yes, unfortunately the shielding means not everyone will get to take advantage of the relaxed rule on mixing for single people. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before it's safe for everyone! Enjoy your weekend too, once you get your shopping sorted out! 🌈🌈👍

klr31 profile image

I know what you mean about not coping as well now as in the beginning of the lockdown. Wales, where I live, is still restricted. I'm lucky to have a husband and garden but have felt low and struggled more over the past few days.

I hope you managed the shop ok today. We have an Asda delivery soon.

Take care and stay safe.

Karen x

in reply to klr31

Hi Karen, so sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit low. I'm like you and try to count my blessings but it is hard from time to time. I enjoyed being out for a while today and the shopping was relatively easy as it was Costco, and plenty of space between things, plus they are very organised. But I suddenly felt that although we're returning to a slightly more normal life, it's going to be constrained for such a long time to come. Not much to be cheerful about this year at all. But I guess we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Hope your delivery came OK and that Asda managed to supply it all, and not leave items out as happened to poor sassy59!

Hope you'll feel a bit brighter soon and that you'll manage to enjoy your weekend. 🌈💖🌺🙏

klr31 profile image
klr31 in reply to

Thank you. I appreciate that.

I hope you have a nice weekend too.

Yes, Asda came ok so we have what we need. I'm trying not to watch the news at present as that doesn't help.

I thought, after the last few difficult years, that this year was going to be a better one finally but it's certainly not turning out that way. Oh well, onwards and upwards.


Sara_2611 profile image

The only real time I ll be happy is when I can get back in the saddle without mum putting in shielding barriers in my way - A nurse has said by email that theres no reason why I shouldnt get back in the saddle & she said she ;ll pass my emal to te doctor Im seeing in July so Im going to discuss it with her & if the doctor also says theres no reason why I shouldnt -Im going to put mum on the spot in front of her & ask her if she wants to raise any objections or does she want to negate what she says

I dont believe for ONE MINUTE!! when she says shes not saying she wants me to stop riding .OF COURSE SHE IS !!!!!

Im going to ask the nurse & say to be clear youre saying its ok the resume it then if she says yes mum & dad will have no choice but to let me resume it because my doctor will have confirmed it in front of her so mu wont be able to get out of it

Hi Sara_2611,

I know you've been increasingly desperate to get back to riding. It's a good idea to discuss it with some medical professionals who might be on your side and help you outflank your mum. It's a shame because riding's something done in the open air, so in terms of danger from covid-19 doesn't pose much of a risk to you. Wishing you luck in your quest! 👍🌈🙏

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