Monday round-up: Good morning everyone, How... - Care Community

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Monday round-up

7 Replies

Good morning everyone,

How on earth are you all getting on? I have bumped into quite a few of you over at the Positive Wellbeing for Self-Isolators community, and that's lovely, but I'm aware that there is still a silent army of Carers out there and I can only hope that you are coping with whatever's happening day by day.

In fact my sister's had a crisis overnight with her husband with vascular dementia. I don't know the details yet, but she sounded alarmed and panicked in equal measure when I called her briefly this morning to see how they were getting on. So I'm quite anxious myself, waiting for further details, and it brings home the fact that even after coping with coronavirus, many of you have so much more to deal with, and in much more trying circumstances too.

I hope that no-one's feeling too alone, and as it's been very quiet here mostly, I am worried that any of you might feel that the group's been deserted.

It hasn't been! I'm checking in as usual and trying to keep up with at least a basic post to you all, as usual, on Mondays and Fridays.

But so that the forum has some traffic, I've decided that, from tomorrow morning I'll share my 'quotation for the day' here too, (which is posted on the PWFSI community), just so there's something to look at here, until things settle down and we can hopefully, one day, not have coronavirus as our number one thought.

So, if any of you have any quotations of your own which you like, do please post them, or comment on any of mine. Or of course lovely to hear from any of you on any topic.

But for now, please be assured that I'm still around, as, I'm sure is sassy59, our lovely and much loved Ambassador.

Greetings to you all, and I hope you all stay safe and well.

Take care.

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7 Replies
sassy59 profile image

I’m here Callendersgal and everyone else. I’m sure many carers are finding things difficult and that’s where this forum can help. A chat, a rant, a sob, anything anyone feels the need to do, just do it.

I’m doing all I can to keep Pete well and so far so good.

I hope your sister will be ok Callendersgal and all is well. Do let us know if possible. I’ll put the kettle on.

Love to all. Stay safe everyone. Xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

Thanks so much sassy59,

Great to hear from you. Enjoy that cuppa and continue, with Pete, so stay safe and well. xxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Will do. How do you take your tea or coffee? Biscuit? Stay safe xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59,

When it comes to tea, I like mine strong. Good old Yorkshire or builder's brew for me, and in more normal times, when it's my turn to make the tea for our break during Scottish Country Dancing, I get quite a lot of complaints from people who insist they can 'keep a teaspoon upright in it', Too bad for them. They can always add more water!

I'm pretty much the same with coffee. For preference I really love freshly brewed real coffee but I mostly stick to a cup of Nescafe Gold these days.

Biscuits? Oh YES, please. Any will do and the list of favourites very long, and sorry to blow my own trumpet, but I am very fond of the shortbread biscuits I bake myself. 😊

Anyone else care to share their preferences? And how about you and Pete, sassy59?

Meantime, cheers, let's enjoy our cuppas!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

I like a stronger brew too Callendersgal (decaf) but Pete likes a weaker tea, not that he gets that if I make it.

I like any decaf coffee but Pete drinks Douwe Egberts normal coffee.

We love chocolate digestives, shortbread (yours sound amazing) and good old rich tea. To dunk or not to dunk? We certainly do.

Cheers! Let’s all enjoy a cuppa. Xxxxx

Hi Hidden

I'm really sorry to hear about your sister and the problems she is facing, so hard caring for someone with dementia and I can only imagine what it's like, I bet she's so glad she's got you and that's lovely that you are able to offer support even if only over the phone at present.

I find that HU as a whole is a very supportive community and there are so many lovely people on here.

If anyone feels that they are alone or are struggling I'm more than happy to send them some thoughts and try and support them via the written word.

I really hope that things with your sister's husband aren't too serious and that things settle down as well as they can.

Sending you calm thoughts.

Take care


Sara_2611 profile image

well ive not been too bad -i had to do my rehabilitation excerisises this moning for my lungs hoovered my carpet & did my embroidery the rest of the day -mde some vegetarian fajitas

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