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Feel Good Friday

MAS_Nurse profile image
15 Replies

“Where sheep may safely graze” by JS Bach (1713)

This aria conjures up a beautiful pastoral scene particularly poignant at this time of the year with new life springing into being, with lambs being born, Easter celebrations, fresh green pastures and more. However, sometimes sheep get into difficulties. They may decide to settle down in a nice comfy hollow for a rest, but end up on their backs unable to move because maybe the weight of their wool, or got caught on brambles. But if you do see a sheep on its back struggling, distressed, flailing, bleating or even being quiet, then it is in danger of dying due to suffocation, because their windpipe is cut off as the gas in their stomachs harden. This is called being ‘Cast Down’. The important thing to save their lives is to help the poor creature back onto its legs.

This is a good allegory of how we sometimes find ourselves cast down, struggling and unable to get up again. One purpose of this community is to help each other when we are stuck and need someone to reach out and help us to right ourselves, lift us up again in the hard times, and rejoice with us in the good times. So if you are in need at the moment of a helping hand, don’t stay cast down and stuck let us know so we can reach out to you and help you back on your feet.

Wishing you all a happy weekend.

Take care,

MAS Nurse and Moderator

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MAS_Nurse profile image
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15 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Good morning MAS_Nurse, thank you for the allegory as it’s true we do often need help even if we don’t realise it.

I have to admit to feeling quite down and depressed just lately because of Pete’s ill health and other family issues. I’m doing better now as is Pete but the feeling of helplessness can sometimes be overwhelming.

I wish everyone a good weekend.


Hellebelle profile image
Hellebelle in reply to sassy59

Hi Sassy, it can all be a big much at times and caring for someone can be thd hardest job in the world. I hope things are on the up for you and that you manage to get some enjoyment back in your life. Wishing you and Pete well. Helen xx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Hellebelle

Thank you Helen, yes Pete is doing a bit better now and we’ve booked a Warner’s break for next month. It will be nice to get away. Xxxxx

Hellebelle profile image
Hellebelle in reply to sassy59

That's so good to have something to look forward to. Wishing you all the best.

MAS_Nurse profile image
MAS_Nurse in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy,

Thank you for sharing honestly how you have been lately. I know what you mean, and yes it can get too much at times. I'm sorry you and Pete have been struggling lately, but glad that you are beginning to feel a bit better. Having good friends that you can share your burdens with can really lighten the load, and if at the moment you don't have someone, then we as your virtual friends can fill that gap and be with you.

You take care and have a good weekend too.

MAS Nurse and Moderator

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to MAS_Nurse

Thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated. I value everyone on this lovely caring forum and know I am amongst friends.

Take care all. Xxxxx

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to sassy59

Hello Sassy

I have found since I have been a carer it doesn't take much to totally flatten my mood. I am sorry you feel down and I hope things get better soon x

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Lynd

We’re doing better thank you Lynd and I agree with what you say. Take care xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59, just a message to say I hope you are feeling OK for now. The weight of responsibility and just the practical exhaustion of it all, not to mention the worry over a loved one, is all too much to bear from time to time. Although I don't know you personally I know you to be an enormous help to others in this group with your lovely caring personality, so don't forget to be really good to yourself too.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Thank you Callendersgal, I do so appreciate your reply and kindness to myself and others. You always find the right words.

I try and look after myself too but it’s not easy at times.

Wishing you well. Xxxxx

Lynd profile image

Very nice but I can't help thinking that we humans will all goo goo good at the sight of a lamb. Then off we go to the supermarket and buy a leg of lamb.

in reply to Lynd

Yes, Lynd, we humans are a real bundle of contradictions. But it keeps us interesting, I guess.

Hellebelle profile image

What a beautiful picture of sheep grazing thank you. Yes, we all need help at times and this forum goes a long way in providing it. Thank you to all who contribute and I hope you have had a good Easter and that you managed to enjoy some sun. I had some time off work and have used the time to catch up with family and friends. Its so easy to lose touch in this busy world.

A great allegory MAS_Nurse. Only this week I was delighted to read how one member of our group had given great practical advice to another and actually improved her situation. And just as shepherds exchange ideas, the group's a great resource of pooled knowledge and ideas. But even if there's nothing much we can do practically we can at least be a listening ear and offer some words of comfort.

Despite the setback in the weather this week, the Easter weekend was a wonderful spirit lift for me. I hope it helped everyone else too!

XSitch38 profile image

Apologies for late response but so many other things get in the way. I agree with everyone about the allegory, and love the calming nature of that music. Years ago when my hubby and I had our caravan, part of our unwinding used to be listening to our classical CDs whilst reading, or in my case cross stitching. Bliss. I know only too well how the pressures of caring can take its toll, and have had a flare up of my anxiety lately. My GP has changed my meds and will see how that goes. I have been advised to try and get away from the house when possible so that I get a real break, and my GP says she doesn't just mean in the garden. We can all become fixated on being the best carer we can as well as keeping homes and gardens ticking over, but we tend to neglect our own well being until its too late and we become unwell. Living in Wales we see so many lambs being born which is wonderful but we are also exposed to the sadder side of nature when we see a lamb that has suddenly died for no particular reason. Imagine the mad woman in me who tells ewes off for neglecting their lambs when they nonchalantly wander off to find some luscious grass to munch and leave them vulnerable, or the vision of a woman waving her arms to make crows fly off and leave the little lambs alone. It is hard to realise that as much as we try we can't save everything. Mom is still quite good but two of her pressure sores continue to cause problems, but she seems content and is eating so I am grateful for that. Let's hope the weather now improves as we had sleet yesterday and it was quite cold in the wind. Life seems so much more positive when you have the warmth of the sun on you. Take care all.

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