Feel Good Friday: Good morning to all our... - Care Community

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Feel Good Friday

MAS_Nurse profile image
5 Replies

Good morning to all our community members and families and loved ones.

Welcome back to Feel Good Friday.

For some of you , we understand it may have been a good week, while for others of you the week may have proved very difficult, tiring and stressful even frustrating at times.

If it has been a good week or even a good few days, we are inviting you to share it with us. Tell us how it has been for you and your family or the person you care for. It may help those who may be struggling a bit to know that not every day need be so difficult. This can provide hope and inspiration as well as sharing advice and helpful tips. What has made your week good? It does not have to be anything major, but sometimes even a smile, a thank you, a small compliment can make us feel valued and worthwhile and make us smile and feel happy. So please post to us what has helped you to have a good week.

For some of you, you may be breathing a sigh of relief that your week is nearly over as it may have been a very difficult week for you. Please tell us if this is the kind of week you have experienced, no one will judge you .Everyone on this platform understands that while we love the person dearly that we care for, their illness both physical and psychological can change their personalities , often causing them to snap and be angry and hurtful. This obviously hurts you, and we know you are doing such a good job caring for your loved one. So please voice your feelings and thoughts here, so that you can receive support and know that you are being listened to and understood. This is so important and can help to reduce your stress and frustration, just by pinning your thoughts here may help to raise your spirits and make you smile again.

Perhaps if I start off by telling you briefly about my week, it may open the door for you then to tell us about your week, good or not so good.

For me, my week has been mixed with some good days and other days not so good. My partner who has a lot of illnesses and also suffers from post traumatic stress has not been too well recently. With Christmas soon approaching, I am behind with putting up the tree and writing cards, the usual things we like to get done so this has caused me to feel a bit stressed to say the least, then feel guilty at being a bit snappy, when I have so much to do .But then on a lighter moment we took our 17 year old rescue cat to the vet a few days ago for his routine check up, as he suffers from thyroid problems. He is a wise 'old' cat and he is on five tablets a day, disguising these in pieces of chicken can sometimes be difficult!!!!!! While he was not too well recently he suddenly perked up again and he is a vey vocal cat, so hearing him miawing again and chatting to us really made us smile and feel so relieved and happy . The vet thought he was doing really good considering his age and serious illness, and we are looking forward to wrapping his presents and seeing him playing with his new toys.!!!!!

Now, it does not have to be just a' FEEL GOOD FRIDAY' FOR YOU ALL.

It can be a 'FEEL GOOD MONDAY OR TUESDAY' as well.

So whenever you feel like sharing your days, thoughts and feelings with us, please do so. We are looking forward to hearing from you all, both your good days and not so good days. We are waiting for you and ready to listen and understand and hear your voice.....

That only leaves me then to wish each and everyone of you, your families and loved ones a very happy and peaceful Christmas, and know that there is always hope, we just need to keep on believing .....way into the NEW YEAR 2018..............

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MAS_Nurse profile image
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5 Replies
Sarah_S profile image

Lovely to hear your cat story! My cat has been spoiled this week, she usually goes out at night but we've kept her in because of the snow. Lovely to snuggle up on our bed, but not so lovely when she wakes us up early and demands breakfast!

Difficult week for me with my mother-in-law. We were due to visit the psychiatrist for her brain scan results, hopefully to confirm some type of dementia, but it was cancelled due to the weather and will now be in January.

She had a planned procedure in hospital, with two night stay. I thought this would give some respite from my twice daily care visits, but in the end I had to be with her more than usual as she was upset there, and regressed further to her Italian language, rarely being able to call on any English words except "bloody hell" and "shut up"! On the second night I was called at 11:30pm as she was disturbing everyone on the ward, wandering around speaking Italian, and putting shoes and hat on to leave. I went and stayed until 3am until she properly settled. And after all that the procedure was unsuccessful and might have to be repeated. So much for respite! On a positive note, on the second day, after sleeping and able to recall a bit more English, she held my hand and said "thank you, for everything".

Mindover profile image
Mindover in reply to Sarah_S

What a trying and testing time you have had...such is life! 😉

So glad that your Mother in law acknowledged your help and presence.

Hope the New Year brings,simerespite!

Jennymary profile image

I've had a fairly decent, but emotional week, last Sunday I had the day off, my sister came over and we went for a pub lunch, we then went up to see mum, Liz stayed in mum's room while I went to find her, she looked up, saw it was me mum held out her arms and pulled me into her for a kiss, she's unaware of my eye problems and I so cried with all the emotion going through me at the moment, Wednesday I worked then a friend came over and permed my hair, today I met another friend in town for a pub lunch followed by a bit of retail therapy, downside to the week, we had an independent nurse come and assess mum as we're having issues with the bill for her care and we've found out she's lost about a stone in weight since May, sending Christmas and New year greetings to everyone and stay safe in this horrid weather xx

MAS_Nurse profile image
MAS_Nurse in reply to Jennymary

Hi Jennymary, thank you so much for sharing your week with us. I am so pleased at Mum's warm embrace to you and I can only imagine your tears of joy and happiness. I am so glad that you met up with your sister and then with your friends, and had some nice outings. That always helps to make us feel a bit better in ourselves, a time for a chat and something to eat is a great way of de-stressing and putting our worries aside , even for a while. So glad too you did a bit of shopping too. Try not to worry too much about mum loosing weight, but you may like to speak to the nurse about this. I also hope in time you get the financial aspect of things sorted out for her care. Happy Christmas to you and take care of yourself.........and we look forward to hearing how you are getting on......with very best wishes to you....

Mas Nursexx

MAS_Nurse profile image

Hi Sarah, many thanks for your reply and lovely to hear about your cat too. You certainly had a difficult few days with you mum in law being in hospital, which seems to have made her quite anxious away from her home environment that she knows and feels safe. You were great to stay with her and comfort her, and I am so pleased that she was able to thank you on the second day, which I am sure helped you to feel appreciated and valued. What a pity that the procedure may have to be done again, as getting a diagnosis is important. I hope now that she is back home, that she is settling a bit and feels calmer. Well done for looking after her so well, but don't neglect yourself either, as you too have needs and you also need to 'pace' yourself so that you do not become overtired. So pamper yourself when you can. Have some nice relaxing hot baths with soothing oils and listen to some music and anything else that may help you to relax and unwind........take of yourself and do let us know how you are all getting on....lovely to hear from you........my warmest wishes to you...

Mas Nursexx

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