Here we are again folks, I have been thinking this week about rainbows, probably because we have had a lot of downpours here in Wales over the last 24 hours.
What do we do when we are feeling down or things are getting on top of ourselves? Do we play music, watch an inspirational film/programme or go out for a walk, share with others exactly how we are feeling or keep it to ourselves and soldier on.
What do you do? personally I look for the rainbows, sometimes they are hard to find, which makes me look harder and confide in a friend with a listening ear, or employ anything that I have learned that works. It's been a hard week, this week so I have used music, walking my dog and looking harder for that rainbow.
What ever you all do, I hope you take care of yourselves so that you can continue to care for others.
Best wishes X,
One of the MAS Nurses.