Well I Have And The Aurful ... How Anyone Sick Copes With Them WELL would Have To Be Sick Or Have Alzheimer’s or Dementia.
What I have found biggest issues with my dad’s tissue viability IS dad being left stewing by hospital in he’s pads.
So far Hospital have trashed is arse and arms given solied arm rest on what can only be described as doctors waiting room chair.
Yet to listen to Hospital well it’s my dad’s fault.
Well I managed to source dad comftable chair that was in same ward but 5 beds AWAY
Well it took 3 chiefs and one Indian to move chair 50 meters from one side room to other.
Dad was init no more than 2 days befoure Hospital snathched chair back AND left dad in doctors waiting room chair.
Clowns 🤡 at Hospital don’t even know how to operate air compressor for dad’s bed 🛏
I can’t count how many times DADs bed as been flat AND loons have to get external help in
AND that was only WHEN I did my self back injury AS I slapped my ass on bed and it was flat given dad was half died slapped over side of chair.
Anyway when I asked for there accident book 📖 and copy of my signed entry along with sisters signature THE stated singing different tune.
Picture is how I found dad eating his dinner.
When I found him Hospital bed was not raised at he’s back SO he had no surport for he’s back AND nurse said o is not been eating much.
Well that was it I TOLD them I’m strong stern voice my dad’s not 18 is 72 and could you eat your dinner like that .
The are a disgrace