Have you been suffering from this compliant if so what treatment have you been receiving
Lymphomodemia: Have you been suffering from... - Care Community

I assume you refer to what is called lymphedema in the U.S. I was treated for it in 2014 and again this year. This year, I was treated for lymphedema in my legs for several months by a doctor who prescribed compression hose and elevating my legs above my heart level from time to time. The doctor also prescribed a compression pump, which arrived recently. I have not used it yet. My lymphedema appears to be responding well to the compression stockings.
Hi Belmarg and a warm welcome to this caring community. I presume you are referring to Lymphoedema. In the UK Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy [DLT] is the recommended treatment for lymphoedema. There are four components to DLT----
1. compression bandages
2. skin care
3. exercises
4. specialised massage techniques
You will find more information on this on NHS Choices website
nhs.uk Health A-Z lymphoedema
I hope this information is helpful to you. Please stay on the forum where you will receive help and support from other members. Are there any other members able to help Balmarg, please? Thank you and best wishes.
Hi Balmarg,
I'm sorry I don't have any personal knowledge of this, but I see that you are a new member of the group, so I just wanted to give you a warm welcome and to say that you'll be among friends here who will try to help you if they can. I see that jaykay777 and MAS Nurse have given you some information and support already and maybe others will follow.
I hope you'll feel that you can come back and share your experiences and knowledge with us from time to time in future, and welcome once again.
Hi Balmarge my mother suffers terribly with these and the advise given by Jaykay & Mas Nurse are correct, compression bandages or socks and elevation, these do clear up but can re-occur so the more you elevate your legs the better hope this helps.