Does inhaled Colomycin for Pseudomona... - Bronchiectasis Su...

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Does inhaled Colomycin for Pseudomonas cause increased mucus production?

Ella888 profile image
11 Replies


I’ve been using inhaled Colomycin for a week now after a tricky start! I’m experienced increased mucus production (I don’t usually produce much) and I feel slightly more breathless.

My question is whether others have experienced this effect when using Inhaled Colomycin and if it is therefore to be expected. I’m hoping it means it is rooting it out of my lungs but a bit anxious because an increase in mucus is also usually the sign of an exascerbation.

Any thoughts appreciated.

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Ella888 profile image
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11 Replies
NorthernGirl3 profile image

Do you use saline inhalation before using the colomycin?

Mooka profile image

I’ve not had this problem and don’t recall it when I first started. Are you huffing and puffing to get rid of it? If it turns green you should get a sample off to your GP to be analysed.

Ella888 profile image
Ella888 in reply to Mooka

Many thanks both,I don’t use saline inhalation. I will send off a sample as suggested because it feels like my chest is worse since starting the inhaled Colomycin and I produced a horrible dark piece of mucus this morning. I am also slightly short of breath.

I think for various reasons there was too long a gap after having the IV antibiotics and that may mean the Pseudo had chance to get a hold before I started the inhaled Colomycin.

Have you ever taken Cipro at the same time as inhaled Colomycin? because I think that was one of the options considered.

Thanks again, I’m finding things really difficult since the Pseudo appeared and feel like the situation isn’t under control yet. It started late last year and I haven’t been right since!

Lapis5 profile image
Lapis5 in reply to Ella888

I am on Cipro 750mg and have Psuedomonas for 6 mos.. so far. and it is colonized. Will be getting the Coliston next week as well as 3rd Pik line w a Cephlasporin antibiotic. I cannot get rid of this bacteria. I use saline 2x day and the AFFLO vest and shower after these treatments as it enables me to get the mucas out coughing in the shower. I doubt will. continue the Cipro if i do get a pik line w Cephlaporin. All these treatments and drugs r exhausting aren't they?Also i go back on Gammagobluin for primary auto immune disease. I had it for 20hrs monthly and did not have any infections, NOR Bronchiectasis but Medicare changed their guidelines 5 yrs ago approx and. cut me off. I think i will not get as many infections w gammaglobulin infusions, (white blood cells) to raise my immunity back up. Hope some of this was helpful to you.

Mooka profile image

Sounds like you need to get a sample in as soon as. Cipro had started becoming ineffective for me. As soon as I finished a course the infection came back. You have my sympathies I was getting back to back infections for months before they identified the pseudomonas and it makes you feel very poorly.

Ella888 profile image
Ella888 in reply to Mooka

Thanks Mooka, I appreciate your thoughts,

I will get a sample off tomorrow. I dread sending it because of what it might show because I don’t want to go back to hospital for more IV’s because I really struggled with that.But I know it can’t be left to wreak havoc with my lungs.

I’ve already had 2 courses of Cipro which, like you, knocked it back for a few weeks but then it was back.

I previously had a mycobacterium avium infection for which I had to take 3 nasty drugs for 2 years but then for a couple of years I was fine with very few infections but then this crept up on me and has made me feel worse than that did! Mainly utterly weary and looking like a shadow of myself!

Metal-legs profile image

I had a massive increase in sputum when I started inhaled gentamicin, the consultant advised this was normal, the inhaled antibiotic was doing a good job at clearing the muck off my lungs. I guess you are using an aerobika device or equilivent to help with the clearing? Hope you can get on the right track soon Ella, all the very best.

Ella888 profile image
Ella888 in reply to Metal-legs

Thank you for your reply Metal-legs and for your good wishes.

That’s interesting to hear that you had increased clearance on Gentamicin. I am still hoping it might be the drug doing it’s work rather than the Pseudomonas biting back. I’m going to send a sample in and I think I’ll try and put a call in to the consultant to ask if increased clearance can happen when you start Colomycin.

I don’t use any devices and just do the active cycle of breathing, I think because I have never really produced hardly any mucus but I’m beginning to think it may have been deep in my lungs and I should have been trying harder to get it out!


Metal-legs profile image
Metal-legs in reply to Ella888

That sounds a good plan to have a sample tested and ask to speak to a consultant, if you can. Also ask about having a device to clear mucus. I found the breathing exercises were not bringing any mucus up at all, using a device twice daily has really helped. I am sure things will improve for you soon Ella, these wretched bugs on our lungs are a real pain.

Lapis5 profile image
Lapis5 in reply to Ella888

I am afraid to take Gentramicin.. is your hearing alright now? and r u better?

Lapis5 profile image

I have colonized Pseudomonas and on Colistin for 11 days so far, I use saliine nebulized first and then Lebuteral(s) then the Colistin. I have had increase in mucas from the start of the Colistin and now have two strains of the Pseudo. Had 4 pics w antibiotics this year to no avail and Cipro 750 which does not kill it but it does make me feel better, but right now the dr.s are not wantiing to give me any more antibiotics, however I will have a PORT placed this wed and probably will get a different antibotic , IS the Colistin working for you at all? I coughed up a dark horrible piece of something and dropped it off at the lab, waiting for results.

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