Hi, I have brochiectasis, COPD, and I regularly grow psdedomonos, I had a terrible year last year with infections, recently had a bronchoscopy which left me feeling like I was dying, I had tremors and felt really ill, (this is the second time I have felt this way after a bronchoscopy and I have informed my doctor and consultant). I am left with a hacking cough desperate to bring something up and it is difficult to do so, I'm taking carbosistine which usually helps but the mucus I'm trying to shift is quite thick, sometimes I think I'm going to choke! Due to the coughwhich is very gravelly I am in excrutiating pain as my diaphragm goes into spasm when I cough. Does bronchiectasis come with this sort of cough? I didn't have it prior to the bronchospy! I feel exhausted all the time. Any help would be much appreciated
Brochiectasis: Hi, I have brochiectasis... - Bronchiectasis Su...

Hi angie26. I’m so sorry you are suffering like this. I think it’s probably due to the bronchoscopy. I’ve had a few and they left me feeling awful and coughing a lot. Are you doing your breathing exercises to clear your lungs? I think it took me about a week to start feeling better. Take it easy and drink plenty of water. If it doesn’t get better try your docs again but I appreciate this will be difficult at the moment. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
thanks for your reply Mooka, I had to start taking my rescue meds , Ciprofloxacin, and am feeling much better, still a hacking cough now and again, which I am putting down to bronchiecstasis, I think I caught some infection when I had the bronchoscopy. I know I shouldn't but I try not to take the meds to soon and I think I left it a bit late this time but I have such a terrible time with antibiotics, have to say this time hardly any reaction so far, I'm not coughing up much at all now and what I am is quite clear.
Hello, I am new to this site and I have a very bad pseudomonas aeruginosa infection with Bronchiectasis , I don’t know how I got it, the GP has prescribed ciprofloxacin for one week. I wondered if you might be able to tell me how long , in your experience, these infections go on for and for how long do you take the antibiotics.
I do hope you feeling well at present and grateful for any info you might be able give me. Many thanks and take care.
Hi I am fine at the moment thank you it's been a week since I finished 14 days of cipro, I tend to have a few weeks free and then back on antibiotics, my consultant wants me in for IV but not until it's safe with covid 19 around, goodness knows when that will be!! from what I can gather it's all about keeping your lungs clear of phlegm and I take carbosistine which I find good but there are other things to that can help, I am told by my consultant that one week simply isn't enough you should have 14 days of cipro, but you may be different! Do you see a consultant? if not perhaps you should ask to be referred!
I have never had a bronchoscopy. My bronchiectasis is manageable at the moment. The breathing and coughing is not easy and I have pain in ribs/lungs all the time. I sometimes use my nebuliser with saline solution, this soothes the lungs and helps thin mucus and bugs do not like salt. I also take carbocisteine.
I wish you all the best x
Thank you auntypank, I did have saline when I was trialling inhaled drugs which I couldn't tolerate, hadn't realised you could have it on it's own! wonder why my consultant hasn't suggested that as I grow bugs frequently. Is your rib pain due to coughing, I was told the pain I get is my diaphragm going into spasm because of the coughing, it feels as though a rib is poking through!!!
i have very thick mucus and it is hard to cough, use a thing called guifesan for it, doesnt help much, the coughing is hard and worse at night, trying to lay down or waking up with it. acupuncture has helped me.
Thank you, I'm glad to say it doesn't worry me at night but during the day I sometimes feel i am going to choke!
yes same here,ive also had it where its so thick it seems to stop the air going into me so I lack energy and nearly pass out if trying to eat or move about a bit, have you had that. night time is worse because of laying down