Sorry Lung Buddies but not the happiest of posts.
So Tuesday felt the familiar pain in chest and lo and behold yesterday the mucus is green. Cue phone call appointment with GP.
Well is it part of the lovely Covid i got in hospital? or has the Haemophilis I woken up? or is it just Bronch exacerbation ?
Whatever it it on to rescue AB of Clarithromycin. So far so good until we looked at the Meds I'm on for the Nephrotic Syndrome ( think swelling starting in ankles, rapidly spreading up legs into abdomen and culminating in chest as Pleural Effusions all due to protein imbalance )
Part of this symdrome is increased risk of blood clots, it raises your Cholesterol levels, Reduces Calcium & more so we have to weigh up the balance & decide go with AB's and stop some of the others hence I have 3 cupboards of medicines so I don't get confused ( Brain Fog from Covid not helpful )
On top of everything got to continue the " Devil's TeeTacs ) Steroids which still causing Awful Insomnia
And fnally to give you all a laugh :
7a.m try for sleep, go to bed ......
7.30 wake up with Nosebleed quickly swing legs round so don't bleed all over the duvet and....... bang , fall off the bed and end up under the dressing table OUCH
Anyway as we draw near to 2021 wishing you all the best health and happiness
Keep smiling
Keep Safe