I was diagnosed with fatty liver a year ago via ultrasound,told to lose weight and should cure itself..
. I didn't really take the diagnosis seriously and continued to drink alcohol and eat unhealthily.
Recently I have become extremely tired,finding it hard to go to work,could sleep forever.My gp started me on an antidepressant a few weeks ago. I was also referred to a liver specialist at the QE in Birmingham.I had another ultrasound on Friday and returned to the QE today.My lft's haven't improved,I have reduced alcohol greatly and the next step is a liver biopsy.
How stupid I have been basically ignoring early warnings. The specialist told me to try and lose weight and exercise. This is difficult due to the chronic fatigue I feel at the moment.Saying that I have just returned from a 15 minute stroll. I have to turn my life around.I was also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in July this year and am taking metformin,the liver specialist told me today that I may have to have insulin.
Just wanted to share, a bit shell shocked at the moment. Just discovered British liver trust website,a great source of information.