Hi everyone sorry to be here again,I'm just so frustrated and don't know what to do. My husband has decompensated liver cirrhosis. His recent bloods are not good from what I can tell, (the doctor is not interested in explaining then to me)
My husband is now exhausted all the time, doesn't really want to eat and just generally struggles, I hate to see him like this and I often feel I am not doing enough, I have 3 children aswell as being a carer for my husband. I have tried talking to his GP and his specialist but to no avail. I'm pretty sure he should be on some kind of meds to help him but I don't know what, he was supposed to see a nutritionist but that hasn't come through either. Bim just at a real lose and am so scared that he won't be with us for to much long.
I'm really sorry to go on but I think I just need some friendly advice and some one to tell me it will be OK in the end.