Warnings need to be put on food and drink labels like cigarettes . cigarettes kill you long-term so does junk food . And processed food.
Make labels bigger so everyone can see it’s more important . Not give big adverts lol
Warnings need to be put on food and drink labels like cigarettes . cigarettes kill you long-term so does junk food . And processed food.
Make labels bigger so everyone can see it’s more important . Not give big adverts lol
One thing which I would really welcome; is if the reasonably visible "traffic light" labels per serving - on the front of food packages - were to also include the one extra parameter of "Carbohydrate" .
..to save my having to either: squint intently at and concentrate upon the small nutrition label on the reverse of the package when selecting a food product, or have to find my reading glasses (mid-supermarket grocery shop).
Until such time as Carbohydrate features on those traffic light labels; at home, I have first been compiling a weekly meal plan, then I sit down with a cup of coffee (yes, having donned my glasses!), and I check the nutritional information on a few candidate food products / brand versions - so I know how the preferential products will appear on the supermarket shelf.
(Which affords me a better opportunity to hunt for - and return home with - the healthier options as I had intended).
Carbohydrates are not as bad as the current health trends make you believe. They are vital for life and human civilisation has been built on them. They already are in the traffic light system, as sugars.
Eating an occasional chocolate harmed no one, eating 29 Big Macs a week is another story.
Healthier eating needs to be talked about more.
That depends on whether you are diabetic as carbs are not your friend at all. Also, sugars are not the same as carbohydrates. Looking at a packet of wotsits. Sugars are 1.2, so I would only take 1 unit of insulin. Carbohydrates are 7.6, so I would need 4 units of insulin. If I did that with everything I ate, my blood sugar levels would be through the roof and I would probably be in a coma.