I have had NAFLD since 2013, then the changed it to NASH and since this summer it is now end stage decompensated Cirrhosis . I asked the Dr about time left she told me some people at my stage would have already passed and some linger .I am 63 and have a severe pain syndrome called CRPS. Life has become days of sleeping up to 22 hours sometimes or not for 3 days. Being confused with HE. And the bathroom and the lovely lactolose ....... And lets not forget the itching. You have all been there.
I recently told my ex husband in Israel what's going on, since its getting so much worse. Its so hard to share with someone who has no idea , but we share my only child and it had to be done.
Because of my unbearable pain and my dying liver, and my age.I have decided on no transplant. My daughter has so much pain realizing and being my caregiver. I raised her alone so it's always been the two of us. She is such a good girl a wonderful career and soon getting her PHD while working. She doesn't know it but her boyfriend asked me to help pick out a ring. So excited for her wonderfull life. But she is so sensitive and I know she will be crushed when I go.
I have had plenty of time to know this was coming , but I'm really feeling down like a sinking ship.
I had a therapist for a few months my share of cost was to high had to stop . My Dr has changed my depression med. Never really been an over-thinker, but I guess I'm scared.
I have been a member here for quite some time, it has taught me so many things about this horrible
disease, And in some way feel as I know some of you. I think this is my first post about myself. Sorry for the rambleing.