it shows fluid in my stomach but doctors won’t give me water tablets at this point I feel weak and confused and itchy Already have neuropathy and korskoff
had an private ultrasound : it shows... - British Liver Trust
had an private ultrasound
So, has your doctor now referred you to a hospital specialist to look into matters further?
no not yet he Dosent seem believe me as I have korskoff I get quite confused and high ammonia levels have wait for nhs ultrasound he said even though I have pain and fluid
Where did you get an ammonia test done? It is generally only a hospital run blood as it has to go straight from you to the lab so GP's can't generally run it.
For your fluid retention you need to be following a low sodium diet - that may help in the interim.
I take it you are still off the booze.
Yss off the booze I haven’t had one just think I do as more confused and have constipation and pain in my liver
need a refferals to a liver doctor
Do you have any input from mental health services? You seem like you need some support to navigate the journey through the health system BUT you also need to be honest. People on here will reach out and support you but when you come out with things that arn't true such as saying you have certain things but not and saying you've had tests and diagnosis which you haven't (yet ......... I am not saying you don't have these things but if they arn't formally diagnosed then you can't say you have them).
Generally liver disease is silent i.e. the liver has no pain receptors so the concept of liver pain doesn't actually happen. Yes an inflamed or swollen liver can stretch the Glisson's Capsule that surrounds it and this can be painful but at the same time an enlarged and inflamed liver is likely to be reflected in comment on scans and in deranged bloods.
Sadly you are posting such contradictory posts from time to time that we don't actually know what is true, something which you are self diagnosing or even due to your current detox or confused state.
I think if you had some mental health support they could help navigate the physical health side of things.
thanks I had an ultrasound say I have fluid in my liver and I get very confused diagnosed with Kofsskoff by mri pains are from the liver
You would normaly tell the private scan provider who your GP is and they would email the result to them same day.
In fact the normal route to a private scan is a referral letter from your GP.
Your GP would not accept you just saying you had fluid in your stomach.
You must stop self diagnosing and wait for your Drs to arrange the correct tests.
You can't be diagnosed by an ambulance crew and a scan is only one of the many tests done before they can come to a conclusion of what's wrong.